Lying caller, lying athletes, and the leading ways of dying


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Lying caller, lying athletes, and the leading ways of dying

This is the show from Monday, March 27th, 2017


* Mark this date! Today Bob Enyart issues another of what's sure to become a classic BEL prediction. But first, hear Beth from Oak Ridge who calls in lying to the audience about a dying friend, and hear about the lying male athletes who are competing against and wiping out the girls, as documented by WND, in weightlifting, softball, cycling, track, wrestling, football, volleyball, dodgeball, handball, cricket, golf, basketball and mixed martial arts.

* Drop in Cancer Mortality: In March of 2017 based on the targeted antibody immunotherapy cancer treatment revolution, RSR predicts that cancer, which has long been the second leading cause of death in the U.S. (nearly 600,000 deaths annually), will drop below stroke, which is the current fifth leading cause of death (about 130,000 deaths) by the year 2025. See more at and And actually, the CDC is wrong about the first leading cause of death which they report as heart disease at 614,000 deaths in 2014 whereas actually, as per the Trump Exceptions Calculator, abortion is the leading cause of death with more than 1.3 million children killed annually.