Libs are intolerant...while Rs bend over backwards.. (arg!)


New member
yeh, the libs cannot tolerate (But they LOVE tolerance... dont they?) anyone who believes differently than they do.. esp Christians..

but oddly, the conservatives (so called) in Congress always seem to want to bend over backwards to please or appease or accommodate or whatever... the libs.. b/c the libs have been successful, at least partly successful, in their campaign to paint conservatives as... well, "right wing nut jobs" and etc... if they are too (fill in the blanks)... too pro life (as if that is possible..), too economically conservative... too against illegal immigration.. perversion (gayness)

don't want to be seen as being lacking in compassion.. no siree..

Please [roll eyes]

the most compassionate thing this country can do is stop trying to be compassionate (so called), meaning Compassionate according to the lib definition... Yeh, we see what their "compassion" has wrought in this country...


We could have done without all that BIG gummit nonsense... fostering dependency and helplessness... etc..




Hall of Fame
Have any examples that show how the R's are bending over backwards?