Language of all Laws:


New member
God is ALL Laws. All Laws is who God is, and they all say; “I Am God”. The Law of Physics, Spiritual, and the Law of Math, is God, and He speaks through all of them, His Christ, His Voice. – The Big People sitting in those big thrones are just Parables of the LAW of the Universe, Nothing more or less!!!!

Listen to the LAW!! – As pertaining to the City Nations of the Ocean Floor when it was DRY; All the laws describe who and what the people were, in great part.

The oceans were Dry, which means there were NO plants, or very little, and hardly No animals of any value for food and labor. It couldn’t have ever rained, because there were no plants or very little water anywhere, except in the deepest channels and meteor holes. – Oxygen was very thin because there were very little plants except right around the water sources. – The man himself back then, had to be very different from man today. I don’t think you’d even recognize him today, as MAN. – Because of the small amount of oxygen, the man back then had to be very small, and had a very large lung capacity, and NO knowledge or language we have today, but had to fit, by Law, of the existence of that Time. – The Man of those days had to live in a shortened day and night, and Year. – The man of that time was All Alone unto himself, even though there may have been others only a few thousand miles away. They had no weapons, or means of transportation, and each had their own means of communication. Their ONLY thought was survival of the self. – I place the man of that time much as we know of the Ant, or the honey bee of today, and very little more. – They had to grow their own food near where they survived, by extreme work. Their life span was maybe around 20 , or thirty of our years, and the adulthood started maybe about two years of age, and they could have even had their children in litters.

There seems to be 4 different massive levels of ocean surge by some means, from the time man lived on the deepest dry ocean floor to the present day level of the ocean water. Man seems to have lived during each of the times after each surge. From the present time level of the ocean water, to the time when the deepest land mass was dry, must have been at least a billion years. That’s just my guess. There’s nothing as yet that I can gather any other ideas from. – I have to contemplate much deeper Laws, (( OR THAT IS, - PRAY A LITTLE MORE ))!!!!

However, for your information, what I’m doing is letting my “Master” know what I desire. You foolish phony so called “christians” call it “Praying to” your phony “god” who sits in that BIG CHAIR way up there somewhere above the SKY!!!! – How Foolish can this cursed generation be, by NOT understanding that GOD IS THE (( “LAW” )), and Nothing else!! – I Hear my reasons for all things from the Laws of the Universe, and you fools just talk your nonsense, and still Know NOTHING!!! --- ((( GENIUSES!!! )))!!!!

I have just shown you Blind Fools what the Laws of the Universe / - “GOD” / - “Laws of the Universe” use for the “PARABLES” for the Creation, - the beginning of MAN, - and the Garden of Eden!!! ----- Now you all can SPIT ON THIS ALSO!!!!

Paul – 101813


Well Paul I'm not sure that you have all the details correct but I enjoyed reading it.


New member
God is above all physical law. He showed this all thru the bible. Like in Joshua when the sun did not go down for a whole day or in the days of Hezekiah when the sun went backwards. Your ramblings are those of a confused mind trying to reconcile the Genesis account with evolutionary philosophy.


New member
God is above all physical law. He showed this all thru the bible. Like in Joshua when the sun did not go down for a whole day or in the days of Hezekiah when the sun went backwards. Your ramblings are those of a confused mind trying to reconcile the Genesis account with evolutionary philosophy.

Who did it, the Laws, or GOD????

God is who, and what He is!!! - God IS the Creater of ALL things of Himself. - God IS ALL THINGS, and (( there is nothing But God )). Therefore, all Laws is God!!!

I don't care if YOU deny who God is; -- just accept the lies of your own ~god!!!!!

Paul -- 102213


New member
God is ALL Laws. All Laws is who God is, and they all say; “I Am God”. The Law of Physics, Spiritual, and the Law of Math, is God, and He speaks through all of them, His Christ, His Voice. – The Big People sitting in those big thrones are just Parables of the LAW of the Universe, Nothing more or less!!!!

Listen to the LAW!! – As pertaining to the City Nations of the Ocean Floor when it was DRY; All the laws describe who and what the people were, in great part.

The oceans were Dry, which means there were NO plants, or very little, and hardly No animals of any value for food and labor. It couldn’t have ever rained, because there were no plants or very little water anywhere, except in the deepest channels and meteor holes. – Oxygen was very thin because there were very little plants except right around the water sources. – The man himself back then, had to be very different from man today. I don’t think you’d even recognize him today, as MAN. – Because of the small amount of oxygen, the man back then had to be very small, and had a very large lung capacity, and NO knowledge or language we have today, but had to fit, by Law, of the existence of that Time. – The Man of those days had to live in a shortened day and night, and Year. – The man of that time was All Alone unto himself, even though there may have been others only a few thousand miles away. They had no weapons, or means of transportation, and each had their own means of communication. Their ONLY thought was survival of the self. – I place the man of that time much as we know of the Ant, or the honey bee of today, and very little more. – They had to grow their own food near where they survived, by extreme work. Their life span was maybe around 20 , or thirty of our years, and the adulthood started maybe about two years of age, and they could have even had their children in litters.

There seems to be 4 different massive levels of ocean surge by some means, from the time man lived on the deepest dry ocean floor to the present day level of the ocean water. Man seems to have lived during each of the times after each surge. From the present time level of the ocean water, to the time when the deepest land mass was dry, must have been at least a billion years. That’s just my guess. There’s nothing as yet that I can gather any other ideas from. – I have to contemplate much deeper Laws, (( OR THAT IS, - PRAY A LITTLE MORE ))!!!!

However, for your information, what I’m doing is letting my “Master” know what I desire. You foolish phony so called “christians” call it “Praying to” your phony “god” who sits in that BIG CHAIR way up there somewhere above the SKY!!!! – How Foolish can this cursed generation be, by NOT understanding that GOD IS THE (( “LAW” )), and Nothing else!! – I Hear my reasons for all things from the Laws of the Universe, and you fools just talk your nonsense, and still Know NOTHING!!! --- ((( GENIUSES!!! )))!!!!

I have just shown you Blind Fools what the Laws of the Universe / - “GOD” / - “Laws of the Universe” use for the “PARABLES” for the Creation, - the beginning of MAN, - and the Garden of Eden!!! ----- Now you all can SPIT ON THIS ALSO!!!!

Paul – 101813

( Continued ):
The areas of the Sea Nations of the deepest parts of the Dry Ocean Floors were under the most extreme violent activity one could imagine today. -- ( There are now three Sea City Nations ) in the average deepest areas of the Dry Ocean Floors.

There were volcanic eruptions everywhere most of the time. Many volcanoes became as large as a hundred mile wide mountains and more. - Places the size of Alabama and Georgia together, had dozens of volcanoes. - Some huge, - as we understand volcanoes today.

It appears it was the collisions of several Comets in different ages, or made the different Ages, and caused the different levels of water surges. --- ( That’s a whole different argument, - “Comets, and their Orbits” ).

Due to the collusions of the Comets, AND the constant eruptions of the Many Volcanoes; - what you all understand as the “Greenhouse Effect”, could be what kept man-life from dying from the Heat, shadowed greatly from the rays of the Sun. – My guess is, the man today, couldn’t survive but a few hours, in the same conditions as they.

The man of that TIME, I see as being equipped to walk on four legs or two somewhat equally. – Also being of a very thick and dark skinned, nearly scales, but not “Scales”, and with hardly any hair. – A tail I can’t tell. – This Man still had something like the hands we have, and nearly no fat; - just muscles. – The moving of stones and using the structures for a purpose is the “Beginning” of the man character.

Just WHERE This Man Came From Is The Real Surprise to the present day man!!!!

Paul – 102613