Knight's Pick 08-05-2008

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Nathon Detroit

Well said! :up:
I don't believe you are looking at the big picture. I asked if contraception has been good for society, and still have not gotten an answer. I am not even attempting to make the case for direct correlation that A (contraception) caused B (societal problems). I am pointing out that there has been a whole slew of problems related to sexuality, marriage and families, as a result of the direction we have taken Sex. Contraception has been one ingredient and has accelerated the process of removing healthy sexual relationships from our society. The trend encompasses all of these ills. The acceptance of contraception is one landmark in the sexual revolution which points towards the loosening and free values regarding sex and love. Asked another way. Has the sexual revolution been good for our society?

You pointed out some short term, favorable statistics, but these don't discount the long-term decline. Divorce rates doubled each decade since contraception use became popular in the 60's. True heterosexual Sex is going away. Look at things in our society today. There is an obsession with sex, and has it made it better or worse? Ask yourself that question, and be honest about its answer. You can't even watch TV without commercials telling you what you need to improve your sex life. Just look at the long-term trend. How have things changed since the pill, regarding families? The trend is anything but positive. You call it a stretch to blame drugs for impotence on contraception, but they go hand in hand with the attitude free sex has fostered. The reality is that you didn't hear about these problems 70 years ago. Men weren't obsessed with their size, either. Were people less happy because they didn't have Viagra and size enhancement pills? We created our own market for these problems. Were people less happy because they couldn't have contraception and free sex 70 years ago? Trust me, sex will become even more exploited, both on TV and in news print, unless the trend and attitude is reversed. It will become more of an obsession. There will continue to be an increase in psychological labels over sex. There will be more drugs that make it better. There will be an increasing market of new sexual needs, and the obession will grow, while the actual practice of healthy sex will continue to decline.

Sex is one of the greatest God-given gifts we have. However, we think we have found a better way to use it - one that completely excludes the openness of new life. One, where the focus is solely on pleasure and not producing life. Sex was not made to be that way, and it can never be made better by doing it our way instead of God's. We are suffering the consequences.

When comparing contraception and abortion, consider the goal:
To prevent child birth.

I'll leave you with this statement from Planned Parenthood research.

The majority of women who abort their babies were using contraception when they became pregnant.
—Alan Guttmacher Institute, research arm of Planned Parenthood
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