Joe Biden: Murder babies but save the terrorists

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Credo in Unum Deum
Joe Biden Opposes Death Penalty for Terrorists, Supports It For Unborn Babies

Joe Biden thinks people who are convicted of major federal crimes should not be subjected to the death penalty. According to his campaign web site, Biden not only opposes the death penalty but wants to eliminate it. “Biden will work to pass legislation to eliminate the death penalty at the federal level, and incentivize states to follow the federal government’s example,” it says.
The federal death penalty comes into play when terrorists attack the United States. That means Biden essentially thinks morally wrong to put suspected terrorists like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to death. Mohammed is accused of organizing the September 11, 2001 attacks on America, the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and other acts of violence. He faces charges for allegedly murdering 2,976 people. His trial before a military tribunal is scheduled for January 2021.
Biden says he supports eliminating the death penalty because innocent people have sometimes been wrongly executed. But there is no more innocent person who has wrongly been killed than the 62 million babies who have been killed in abortions. And Biden supports continuing abortions on demand
Last week, during the first presidential debate, Biden supported the Supreme Court decision that allowed virtually unlimited abortions up to birth.
That Biden would stand for the Supreme Court decision that resulted in killing 62 million babies in abortions is not surprising. Biden seems to be deaf to their cries as he calls abortion “reproductive health care” and telling Planned Parenthood he will “do everything in my power” to make sure abortion stays legal up to birth. It’s clear he doesn’t apply any of his Catholic faith to abortion. . . (END)​

Old Senile Joe, the fake Catholic, everyone's good guy will murder all the babies you want, but he will protect terrorists and other killers.

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Credo in Unum Deum
Biden thinks convicted criminals will vote for him, unborn children, not so much. But the incubators of those unborn children are assumed to vote for him too.

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Credo in Unum Deum

We went from The Most Pro-Life President in History to this sick degenerate Biden. That is why Trump must win in court