Jo Scott with King's Kids Ministry

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Jo Scott with King's Kids Ministry

This is the show from Wednesday January 21st, 2009.


* San Antonio Radio Host Interviews Bob: Jo Scott begins by airing an 8-minute clip in which Adam McManus interviews Bob Enyart about American Right To Life's FOCA press release: Obama to Press Reset Button on the pro-life industry. Bob and Adam are thankful that the widely respected Vision Forum from San Antonio courageously warned Christians of John McCain's pro-abortion record just prior to the election!

* Bob is in Court Today: Jo Scott is guest hosting for Bob while he is in court with Focus on the Family (and he's due back in court next Wednesday for another pre-trial motions hearing). Back in September Bob and others did a sit-in at Focus to call attention to Dr. James Dobson breaking his famous oath in which he invoked the name of God, pledging that he would never vote for a politician, like John McCain, who supports killing some innocent children, as McCain openly does. Bob Enyart often expresses his respect for Dr. Dobson and it is out of love and great saddness that American Right To Life is pleading with Focus to return to God-honoring practices.

* King's Kids Ministry: Jo Scott interviews Ronnie and Marcela Morris, directors of King's Kids Ministry who equip young people to work in the field. Last summer they took a group to China and they led twenty Chinese people to the Lord! They also work inside the Indian Crow nation in Montana. (Post-show note: A long-time friend of BEL works with the Crow in Montana and shares their desperate need for Jesus Christ and morality.) Ronnie and Marcela are amazing people who have dedicated their lives to the youth of our nation.

Today's Resource: You can view BOTH of our powerhouse Focus on the Strategy DVDs for only $22.99! Get them now while supplies last! (Or, get them later, because we can just make additional copies :) when we run out.
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