Jesus Schools the Scholars


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Theology Thursday: Jesus Schools the Scholars

This is the show from Thursday October 30th, 2014


*Luke 5: As Bob continues in Luke 5, we see Jesus schooling the Pharisees and Sadducees.


Today's Resource: God's Biblical Attributes 2-Blu-ray or DVD set The Five Biblical Attributes of God

You may have been told that the five primary attributes of God are immutability, impassibility, omnipotence, omnipresence, and omniscience. We refer to these as the Greek and Latin philosophical OMNIs and IMs. They are quantitative. However, the actual five biblical attributes of God are that He is living, personal, relational, good and loving. These are qualitative. And as we will see, quality trumps quantity.

10 sessions in your choice of Blu-ray or DVD set.
