Islamic And Christian Eschatology reveal a truth many are unaware of! Wake Up Church



I don't really know you, but this is a fairly easy way to better understand what Islam "really" is... I put these links together for you.

Islamic Eschatology

Ahmadinejad praying for the coming of the Islamic Mahadi

Iranian End Times Video Released by Government

Video on the danger of Islamic Shia Eschatology

Video from Islamic Scholar that teaches about Mahdi, Dajjal, and the "Islamic Jesus" Isa

A Scholarly video on Islamic Eschatology from Qu'Ran and the collection of Hadith... or recorded words of Mohammad to his generals

[MENTION=10]Jerry Shugart[/MENTION] , you know why I posted these. My time on the site to support and defend the things that scripture has warned us about is coming to a rapid close.

It brings me peace to know that a sounder of the alarm and true "Watchman" is on ToL.

I'll be around...

But this is my final OP for a long while to come.


May Christ Quicken Us All to His Wisdom. (Rm. 8:9)