ISIS vehicles funnelled through Texas to Turkey


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The unexpected explanation how “that Ford truck” ended up in ISIS hands

By Tyler Durden | ZeroHedge

Almost exactly a year ago, the media world was abuzz when as we reported then, a picture posted by Ansar al-Din Front, an Islamic extremist brigade, and which promptly went viral showed a Ford F250 truck with a “Mark-1 Plumbing” decal on the door and a militant standing in the bed firing the anti-aircraft gun.
Via ZeroHedge

And while most moved on quickly from this story, for one person the picture had a dramatic and scarring effect: the owner of said Mark-1 Plumbing company, a Texan by the name of Mark Oberholtzer, who as many know by now, is suing a Texas Ford dealership (Charlie Thomas Gord) for more than $1 million in financial losses and damages to his company’s reputation, as a result of this pickup truck which he once owned, ending up with Islamic militants fighting in Syria’s civil war.
As CNN summarizes, “all Mark Oberholtzer wanted to do was upgrade his ride. What he got instead was a world of trouble from half a world away.”
“By the end of the day, Mark-1’s office, Mark-1’s business phone, and Mark’s personal cell had received over 1,000 phone calls from around the nation,” Oberholtzer’s lawyer wrote in the lawsuit, filed December 9 in Harris County, Texas. “These phone calls were in large part harassing and contained countless threats of violence, property harm, injury and even death.”
Oberholtzer said this wouldn’t have happened if the dealership had just removed the decals before the truck was resold, as he had demanded, thus serving as the basis for his lawsuit (attached below).
But while we commiserate with Mr. Oberholzer, and wish him prompt restitution of damages as a result of unnecessary harassment, a far more important question is just how did Mark’s 2005 Ford F250 Super Duty end up in under the control of the Islamic State.
The answer would be critical, as it will provide a factual, tracable answer how it is that ISIS is if not funded (we know already revealed a critical part of that story), then supplied with equipment and perhaps weapons.
The answer is stunning.
This is what the plaintiff states in his lawsuit:
According to a CARFAX Vehicle History Report (see Exhibit B), the vehicle was listed as a dealer vehicle sold at a Texas auto auction on November 11, 2013. On December 18, 2013 the vehicle was exported from Houston, Texas and imported to Mersin, Turkey.
And here is the proof straight from CARFAX, provided in Exhibit B of Oberholzer’s lawsuit:
Via ZeroHedge

And the transaction history, with the relevant final clue highlighted:

Via ZeroHedge

Presenting Mersin, Turkey, a stone’s throw from the infamous port of Ceyhan and about a hundred miles from the territory of the Islamic State:
Via ZeroHedge

Here is what happened:

  • On October 23, 2013, Mark Oberholtzer entered into a transaction with Charlie Thomas Ford, in which he traded-in his old 2005 Ford F-250 pickup truck for a newer 2012 Ford F-250 pickup truck.
  • Promptly thereafter, the vehicle was listed as a dealer vehicle sold at a Texas auto auction on November 11, 2013
  • Less than a month later, on December 18, 2013 the vehicle was exported from Houston, Texas and imported to Mersin, Turkey.
  • Less than a year later it was in the documented possession of the Islamic State.
So once again the “missing link” supplying ISIS emerges as none other than Turkey.
For those to whom the Turkey-ISIS connection comes as a surprise, we urge you to reread:

And while NATO-member Turkey supplying ISIS with funding, supplies, weapons or equipment is hardly groundbreaking news, the Ford “clue” poses new and important questions, such as:

  • who is the Turkish party that ordered and paid for the Ford truck’s transfer to Turkey, and subsequently received compensation from the Islamic State in the subsequent resale?
  • which is the US party which transacts with Turkish counterparts, who ultimately ship US products to Islamic State fighters?
  • is the US party aware that its Turkish counterparty has dealings with ISIS
  • what is the role of the US government in all of this, because it would be surprising that an administration that has sworn it would crack down on all outside assistance to the Islamic State would be unaware that “made in the USA” trucks ended up in the Islamic State by way of its faitful NATO ally, Turkey.
  • how many other such vehicles sold in the US and exported to Turkey, have made their way to the Islamic State
We are confident that it will be relatively easy for any aspiring reporter to track down the US-based exporter of the Ford truck (and thus recipient of Turkish funds), just as it will be facile to uncover who was the Turkish buyer who signed the receipt invoice in Mersin, Turkey. What may be more difficult to uncover is whether the governments of the US and Turkey, respectively, were or are appraised about transactions such as this one, and if not, then why not?
We hope to be able to answer as many of the above as possible in the very near future.
The full Oberholtzer vs Charlie Thomas Ford lawsuit is below.



Well-known member
I saw this story on CBS Evening News the night before last. The man that originally owned this truck is suing the dealership that bought it. "No comment" from them so far.

Is this crazy or what?

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
Which do you think is most likely?

IS sending agents to the US to buy trucks, which then then export to Turkey with paper trail to follow, to then smuggle across the border.

Or Turkish company imports 2nd hand cars from the US as a matter of course, and they then bought for cash by third parties and traded through to ISIS?

Its also interesting to note its a few months before IS made its major against in IRAQ and came to the attention of the west.


New member
Or Turkish company imports 2nd hand cars from the US as a matter of course, and they then bought for cash by third parties and traded through to ISIS?

All imports including military and machinery must be banned from export to Turkey.

Turkey needs to own up to buying ISIS oil, funding ISIS terrorists, and subverting
the governments of other countries including European ones by staged "refugee crises".

When the current leader of Turkey is assassinated or deposed,
and a real NATO friendly government is installed, we can reopen export to Turkey.

Till then freeze all Turkey's bank accounts in the West.

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
Not much for the rule of law are you?

All imports including military and machinery must be banned from export to Turkey.

Turkey needs to own up to buying ISIS oil, funding ISIS terrorists, and subverting
the governments of other countries including European ones by staged "refugee crises".

When the current leader of Turkey is assassinated or deposed,
and a real NATO friendly government is installed, we can reopen export to Turkey.

Till then freeze all Turkey's bank accounts in the West.


New member
Not much for the rule of law are you?

What are you talking about?

If you mean some kind of Rule of International Law, there are only two candidates:

(1) The Law of God given in the Bible applied across the board to everyone.

(2) Some bogus mess-hodgepodge of nonsense formulated by Banksters, NWO creeps
and Government Pedophile Rings to keep the poor enslaved and enable 'harvesting'
for snuff movies and other entertainment for the 'elite' lizard-people.

Only option (1) is remotely viable, but has to be enforced by military means.

But since you can't possibly mean you support option (1),
what is your complaint?

You must surely realize that I would fully support option (1) without reservation,
and the resulting Biblical Law Standard.

So how can you accuse me of being against "the Rule of Law"?


ISIS vehicles funneled through Texas to Turkey

Does this mean the the Iraqi military, whom America spent more than a decade training and equipping, were remiss in not leaving ISIS with enough trucks when they dropped their weapons and ran?

I'm sure that whatever equipment that America gives to the Iraqi military in the future will also eventually work its way back into the hands of ISIS.


New member
What are you talking about?

If you mean some kind of Rule of International Law, there are only two candidates:

(1) The Law of God given in the Bible applied across the board to everyone.

(2) Some bogus mess-hodgepodge of nonsense formulated by Banksters, NWO creeps
and Government Pedophile Rings to keep the poor enslaved and enable 'harvesting'
for snuff movies and other entertainment for the 'elite' lizard-people.

Only option (1) is remotely viable, but has to be enforced by military means.

But since you can't possibly mean you support option (1),
what is your complaint?

You must surely realize that I would fully support option (1) without reservation,
and the resulting Biblical Law Standard.

So how can you accuse me of being against "the Rule of Law"?

There does seem to be a connection between the Lizard people and the Sand people. As for the truck, it could be circumstance, or, there are indeed terrorist connections. The person who bought the truck should be investigated.