Is There Any Such Thing As An Atheist?


New member
This particular Opening Post is addressed ONLY to Christians.
Of course Atheists are welcome to comment.


We can not know for certain that there is any such thing as an
atheist. Just because some men say they lack belief in the existence
of God does not mean that they actually DO lack belief in the
existence of God. On Christian lights, God says there is no
such thing as an atheist.

Romans 1:18 says that humans "suppress the truth." Atheists are part
of humanity, so Romans 1:18 applies to them also.

Romans 1:19-20 says "since what may be known about God is plain to
them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the
world God's invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature-have
been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that
people are without excuse."

Note the particulars in Romans 1:19-20
{1) There is information that can be known about God.
{2} This information is plain to men.
{3} God Himself has made it plain to them.
{4} It has been plain to them since the creation of the world.
{5} God's eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen
{6} All this is understood from what God created.
{7} Therefore men are without excuse {for not believing in God.}

Romans 1:19-20 is the germ principle of the Teleological Argument
for the existence of God -- the argument from the Intelligent Design
of the Earth and the Universe.


So Christians, in light of Romans 1:19-20 and Romans 1:18 is
there any such thing as an atheist?

What say you?
