Iranian Navy Seizes Cargo Ship

Do we have any Napalm left over from Viet Nam? Or maybe we could get rid of some of our nuclear waste. Just a thought. But if it suits God's purpose to have them running around like the terrorists they are, I bow to God's wishes.

Word based mystic

New member
Are you insane or just trolling?

How does this have anything to do with us?

who is us.

denmark is an ally.

if a u.s. ship was being fired upon with a danish warship nearby would you not expect that ally of ours to assist????

turning a blind eye to terrorism and bully countries is doing nothing but encouraging such activity.

Can't believe you said that

you must have a small perspective of whom your neighbor is.


Well-known member
Iranian 'navy'? They have three Russian submarines, which we easily track, constantly. I'm sure their surface craft could be taken out in less than one day, as well as all of their docks.