"I'll keep my guns and religion and you can keep the 'change'"


New member
Yeh, I saw that on a bumper sticker RE Pres O

someone on Fox said something about the president's comment that he wanted to "fundamentally change" America. I had never thought of this before, but it is SOOO true

Why would you want to fundamentally CHANGE, say, someone you are romantically involved with?

I think of the Billy Joel song: "I love you just the way you are"

OK, no one should love the US just the way it is.. We should all try to change what is wrong (Roe v Wade, etc). And just b/c someone loves you as you are doesn't mean you have no faults that God may want you to... ditch.

But we are focused on the word FUNDAMENTALLY here

wow... He wants to fundamentally change the US??

shows how much he likes the US...



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
you don't have time to cover cpac
it is obvious you have time for all this other stuff
why don't you think cpac is important?