ECT If "Election" does not mean God selects

Cross Reference

New member
. . . You might want to ask yourself what is the difference between the "elect" and the "very elect"? And freewill? You say it is isn't in the equation. Then why this if not by freewill: "For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?" Luke 14:28 (KJV) What cost?? Finish what and for what reason? For Salvation for "whosoever 'wills it' for himself from Christ Jesus" or for discipleship, is in being "born again"?

Cross Reference

New member
Saul and David, the first Kings of Israel. One was "selected" by God because of the desires of the people. The other "selected" because of the desires of God. Both were men of God. One might say they were both "elect" of God. Can you guess what governed God's "choosing" of either man?


Well-known member
Once again, we want to take the NT finally on these questions. The issue is resolved for ex., in Jn 6:40: "The will of my Father is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes on him shall have eternal life..." Christ, not individuals, is the Elect One. So there is election, and there is human choice.

Cross Reference

New member
Once again, we want to take the NT finally on these questions. The issue is resolved for ex., in Jn 6:40: "The will of my Father is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes on him shall have eternal life..." Christ, not individuals, is the Elect One. So there is election, and there is human choice.

"For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect." Matthew 24:24 (KJV)

Deceive who???


Well-known member
"For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect." Matthew 24:24 (KJV)

Deceive who???

Not sure what connection this has to my post, but the passage is about what happened in Judea in the DofJ. There were indeed several resistance leaders that claimed a lot about themselves, who located both in the temple and out in the desert. (One of these was mentioned in Acts 21:38 about which Rome was constantly on the watch). Some claimed messiahship. Some claimed direct revelation that God would fight Rome during a battle.

Jesus was warning about all of the above.

If you are referring to 'the elect' there, they are the ones who believe which means they are elect in Christ. Follow the paths of NT theology. All trails run through Christ.

Cross Reference

New member
Not sure what connection this has to my post, but the passage is about what happened in Judea in the DofJ. There were indeed several resistance leaders that claimed a lot about themselves, who located both in the temple and out in the desert. (One of these was mentioned in Acts 21:38 about which Rome was constantly on the watch). Some claimed messiahship. Some claimed direct revelation that God would fight Rome during a battle.

Jesus was warning about all of the above.

If you are referring to 'the elect' there, they are the ones who believe which means they are elect in Christ. Follow the paths of NT theology. All trails run through Christ.

Sorry, but what Jesus is speaking of in NO WAY fits what you believe has already taken place.

Secondly, the elect is not simply Jesus alon as you also suppose, to the exclusion of all others the NT mentions as being His multi-membered body as in man-child and elsewhere even as Paul speaks of them.


New member
Sorry, but what Jesus is speaking of in NO WAY fits what you believe has already taken place.

Secondly, the elect is not simply Jesus alon as you also suppose, to the exclusion of all others the NT mentions as being His multi-membered body as in man-child and elsewhere even as Paul speaks of them.

Keep in mind that Interplanner hold to Preterism, more or less.

Meaning, one runs down to the local bookstore for the latest, Preterist based SENSATIONALISM "about" 70 AD and how to read "the NT" through the lost Jew: Josephus.

It is why the fool is ever bringing up his endless, dime a dozen, books based, wisdom of men "about" the history.


Well-known member
Keep in mind that Interplanner hold to Preterism, more or less.

Meaning, one runs down to the local bookstore for the latest, Preterist based SENSATIONALISM "about" 70 AD and how to read "the NT" through the lost Jew: Josephus.

It is why the fool is ever bringing up his endless, dime a dozen, books based, wisdom of men "about" the history.

Hey, Danoh, you said you were going to reserve 'fool' for posts, not the person. What are you?

There are no dimestore material on the DofJ; people there don't have the mind for it. Instead it is British Museum, Oxford, Cambridge, the New International Dictorionary of Theology, etc.



Well-known member
Sorry, but what Jesus is speaking of in NO WAY fits what you believe has already taken place.

Secondly, the elect is not simply Jesus alon as you also suppose, to the exclusion of all others the NT mentions as being His multi-membered body as in man-child and elsewhere even as Paul speaks of them.

Tell me all the things that happened in the Destruction of Jerusalem. Most of it fits very well, right down to Sabbath police.

All NT theology is essentially routed through and in Christ. Sorry to surprise you, there, but it really does not function outside of Christ, Col 1.


Well-known member
It's all there in 24 matt. Read it again, . . . . for the first time.

Good, glad you agree that Mt24A is about the Destruction of Jerusalem, the signs and wonders that happened, the several false Messiahs that were claimed or self-claimed or expected, the revolution, the harsh enforcement of the Sabbath in Israel, the guy appearing in the temple to use it as a battle fortress, etc.


Cross Reference

New member
Good, glad you agree that Mt24A is about the Destruction of Jerusalem, the signs and wonders that happened, the several false Messiahs that were claimed or self-claimed or expected, the revolution, the harsh enforcement of the Sabbath in Israel, the guy appearing in the temple to use it as a battle fortress, etc.


. . . . . whatever.


New member
Why don't you get familiar with what happened there? Try Keller THE BIBLE AS HISTORY or look up the Holford thread. It's in here somewhere. Bray is as recent as Keller and covered much of this, too.

There is your problem, CrossReference- you need to get into Interplanner's endless books based nonsense.

Do yourself a favor and forget both Isaiah 8:20 and 2 Tim. 3:16-17.


"Get into the groove" of books "about."

As pop singer, Madonna put it - "for inspiration."

What a books based clown this Interlopper, ur,