Id blood to placate a cruel, blood-thirsty hell-torturing god!!



I have dedicated my whole life in celibacy to serve my suffering religious fear captive Muslim neighbors. I was driven away from east Bengal homeland by their fire and sword. Hate against them almost demented me as hate destroys the hater first. But coming to Christ I was cured of that hate and was healed. He told me that I had spoiled them when I was in paradise. It is everyone’s spiritual birthplace. There I had gone to hate-god Devil and pushed them to him, as Eve went and pushed Adam. So I must love to serve and pull them out of hate-god as he had pulled me.

The best service to them would be to diagnose their malady in order to cure. Of course proud people become angry when told that they need treatment. Those proud of religion even attack and kill the diagoniser as Christ, prophets and martyrs are killed.
Christ didn’t confine himself only in doing good works. So when Christ told Jews that they are worshipping killer devil (John8-44), they killed him. Alas! those having the audacity to call themselves Christian in his name fell back to that jew-god again rejecting his absolute love Heavenly Father. Unrepentant their nature being similar to jew-god they joined in emperors’ war to get protection and patronage from 3rd century. To support their wars they made the bible taking Jews’ bloody old testament and worse spurious Revelation. True Christ-follower Marcion objected and they eliminated him as they did to Christ and martyrs. From this warmongering blasphemous bible Islam and Quran was born to fear-enslave people and attack hypocrite Christians.
Love-God is the real creator and sustainer. Our experience also corroborates it. His abode is love-heaven which can be accessed only by love, never by hate and war. Love creates everything from atom to universe by joining together primordial particles as love’s nature is bonding. In the spiritual sphere Love-God creates souls joining spiritual particles. Joining them again He creates higher soul-societies called paradises. These paradises taken together constitute heaven (as UNO in earth). So we call absolute God as heavenly Father.
Then why we came to worship cruel bloodthirsty gods in heathens, Christianity and Islam?

Paradises are born in self-sacrificing love as every new nation and civilizations are born here. But when as in old nations here divisive pride-selfishness enters in old paradises also. Then like in our proud nations, proud despots capture power in paradises. They encourage flattery worship and blind military like obedience to their rulers. In reaction rebels arise and they are termed devil to be driven away. The majority dwellers of paradise worship this despot god-ruler group(Gen1-26).

But a few sane souls repent and resist the pride-degeneration of that paradise. They are persecuted and driven away. They in the unity of Christ unite to Heavenly father and start building new spiritual paradise elsewhere by reclaiming fallen souls. We see that here also as USA was created by puritans and new India was created by Gandhian Satyagrahis.

But bonding-love gone, old paradise’s despot ruler group begins to break up and war starts in paradise to turn it into divided infighting hell. We also joined this war and driven out of paradise by stronger factions to fall to this earth as refugees (Rev12,7-12 and Puran). We continue worshipping the despot gods in various religions and support such despots here as rulers.
But Heavenly Father, the unity of heavenly parents grieved seeing that suicidal we are making hate-hell with our god devil, the pride, and rushing there. So He sent Christ, the unity of His self-sacrificing sons to teach us to repent and create paradise with him by love and go there to be saved.

I was so saved being taught by Christ. He commissioned me to teach that to others as my atonement. When I had worshipped devil in paradise I also drew others to worship him as Eve did to Adam. So I had done the same to Muslims and others. But that group broke up into warring factions as jew-god broke up into warring jew, Christian and muslim gods. So, no wonder that Muslims attacked us paying us back in the same hate-coin.
So I am trying to teach all the absolute love Heavenly Father through Christ, who is maligned most by ‘Christians’. He forgives all, even devils, never seeking any oblation to placate Him as having no sin of anger. He never sends to hate-hell but we create it and go there. To receive His ever-given forgiveness we must repent and prove it by atoning. So I must atone being ready to suffer and die like Christ for them with love and forgiveness. That is the true love-worship Him not flattery and rituals of Christians, Muslims and heathens.