I just watched 'Terry's call'

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The Dark Knight
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I have to admit, I was wrong. I have believed, for some time, that you have to deal with those who believe, and spread lies, more harshly than with those who know the truth, and desire to be set free. And what I saw was Bob doing just that. Perversion is not something to gloss over, or ignore. It is something to confront, head on. With the truth of God. And that thruth is, homosexuality is an abomination in the eyes of the Creator! It is a perversion, and it is disgusting. Yes God loves them, and He hates what they do, but that means not that He wants them to be comfortable in their sin as they are directed toward Him, but that they should be uncomfortable. Being comfortable in sin only leads to hell. It is when one is uncomfortable in their sin, that they seek the comfort of freedom from that sin.


Merely Christian
*~Yeah lighthouse! :jump:

I was hoping you would see past Mr. Enyart's "madness" to his "method" :) It took me a while too, but when you see it, it's an awsome thing to behold.


Blessed beyond measure
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Originally posted by Jefferson

POTD! :first:
If you hadn't done it, I would have. Great pic!


The Dark Knight
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Thanks Jefferson.

Originally posted by the Sibbie

So I'm assuming you liked it? :)
"No. Not at all. Why do you ask?"*

*Spider-Man quote [from the comics].
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Originally posted by drbrumley

Is that a gay spiderman?
Well, he's wearing tights. He's certainly dancing in a gay manner. And you know what they say: If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck . . .


The Dark Knight
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If any of my childhood heros had been gay, then I would be gay...and I'm not [nor have I ever been].:rolleyes:

One Eyed Jack

New member
Originally posted by lighthouse

If any of my childhood heros had been gay, then I would be gay...and I'm not [nor have I ever been].:rolleyes:

I guess you weren't a Northstar fan then. Me neither. Then again, I didn't like him too much even before Marvel decided to make him gay.


The Dark Knight
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Originally posted by One Eyed Jack

I guess you weren't a Northstar fan then. Me neither. Then again, I didn't like him too much even before Marvel decided to make him gay.
Nope. Not a Northstar fan. And does he have to state he's gay everytime he appears?! Even if I thought gay was okay, I would find that annoying and pushy.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
My dad is watching it, right now.

Edited to say: He feels the same way I do. Exactly what I said in the initial post.
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Bob Enyart

Staff member
Lighthouse, may I be so presumptuous to say that: Terry is also blessed by your opinion!

May God bless you (and your dad),
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