ECT How does God forgive?


Well-known member
Jesus is not like us, He is God.

Jesus pretended to be tempted because He is God and God can not be tempted.

Jesus did not really die because God can not die, he just pretended He did.

It's just madness isn't it? And believing that Jesus is God, goes directly against his own words, as he said that he was the son of God and that the father is greater than he and without the father he could do nothing, all which can't be true, if Jesus is God himself!

So then Jesus didn't come to do the will of God, because he is God so he did his own will.

He can't have been exalted by God, or anointed of him, because he is God himself. When he said that he could do nothing without the father, that can't be true either, because he is God, and if he's God then he doesn't need God to do anything. And he didn't need to ask God to forgive his enemies, he could have done that himself because he is God!

And he must have lied when he said that God is his God. How can that be the truth? Because God doesn't have a God above him. Also God can't be the head of Christ because Christ is God!

George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
It is so telling that out of the mouths of those who profess allegiance to Him come the vilest of thoughts of hell. They have made their own gods. Them and only them will they worship.


Well-known member
It is so telling that out of the mouths of those who profess allegiance to Him come the vilest of thoughts of hell. They have made their own gods. Them and only them will they worship.
One of the vilest thoughts of hell are teaching others that regardless of what they do, they are going to heaven and that they are saved even if they carry on wilfully sinning and disobeying God. And no matter how you live, it doesn't matter your saved anyway. False doctrine, false teaching and stuff like this can only come from Satan the father of lies, only he would teach that your ok to carry on sinning before God and still live!

Believing that Jesus isn't God doesn't come from Satan, it comes from the Bible, and even Jesus himself said that God is his God, what do you think of that?


One of the vilest thoughts of hell are teaching others that regardless of what they do, they are going to heaven and that they are saved even if they carry on wilfully sinning and disobeying God. And no matter how you live, it doesn't matter your saved anyway. False doctrine, false teaching and stuff like this can only come from Satan the father of lies, only he would teach that your ok to carry on sinning before God and still live!
...Many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved (Mt 24:10–13).


Well-known member
...Many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved (Mt 24:10–13).
Those verses are the truth. And to me, if were born of God we will turn from sin and we will stop doing the things that we know are wrong. The holy spirit convicts my heart and my conscience pricks me so much and I can't do the things that I used to do and I am guided by God to live right. To me, we can't just carry living in the old sinful life we used to before we knew God. I want to please him, and I know that wilfully sinning doesn't please God, he wants to see the life of his son in us and if Christ is in us, then we will be turning away from the lusts of the flesh and this world.

What do you believe?


Those verses are the truth. And to me, if were born of God we will turn from sin and we will stop doing the things that we know are wrong. The holy spirit convicts my heart and my conscience pricks me so much and I can't do the things that I used to do and I am guided by God to live right. To me, we can't just carry living in the old sinful life we used to before we knew God. I want to please him, and I know that wilfully sinning doesn't please God, he wants to see the life of his son in us and if Christ is in us, then we will be turning away from the lusts of the flesh and this world.

What do you believe?
I love his law (Ps 119:165). :straight: The God-hater does not (1 Jn 5:3). :banana: This isn't rocket science. :plain:




Well-known member
I love his law (Ps 119:165). :straight: The God-hater does not (1 Jn 5:3). :banana: This isn't rocket science. :plain:



God writes his laws upon the hearts and minds of those who belong to him, if we didn't have to obey him then he wouldn't need to do this. we should obey God and follow Jesus's example.

1 John 3

Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God. And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight.


Well-known member
His law is known by all. Most just don't give a damn (Mt 7:13-14). They are accusing :sigh: or excusing :banana: themselves (Ro 2:15).

Yes our flesh always tried to justify our wrongdoing, whilst we look at what others do wrong, it's better to look at ourselves first see if we are wrong and say, "is it I lord". That's why we are blessed that we have Jesus as an example, don't you think? He fulfilled all the laws, he lived perfect before God and he put the will of God before himself and he never sinned, and if I'm not sure about anything I pray to God and I always think "what would Jesus do"

And it's those who are doers of the word and not the hearers only, being a doer of the word is the narrow way. Obeying God, turning from sin and denying the lusts of our flesh and if we're born of God then the spirit will be helping us and giving us the strength to overcome.


...t's better to look at ourselves first see if we are wrong and say, "is it I lord". That's why we are blessed that we have Jesus as an example, don't you think?
1 Co 4:5, Re 14:10


George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
We should never build our case for forgiveness on the idea that God is our Father and He will forgive us because He loves us. Love did not redeem us. Only the blood of Christ which was caused because He is love. Just as faith is meaningless without works, so God's love is nullified without Him acting out His love unconditionally in His creation at great cost to Himself.

God forgives sin only because of the death of Christ. God organized all creation and the events of history so that He could forgive people in no other way than by the death of His Son, and the result is that Jesus is exalted as Savior because of His death.

The loudest trump was that of triumph and was sounded at the Cross of Christ— “It is finished!” (John 19:30KJV). That is the final word in the redemption of humankind. All else is footstool related.

Whatever theology lessens this "apartness" of God, through a false view of His love, contradicts the truth of God as revealed by Jesus Christ. We must never allow ourselves to believe that Jesus Christ stands with us, and against God, out of pity and compassion, or that He became a curse for us out of sympathy for us. Nor should we ever transmit that falshood to the unbeliever. Jesus Christ became a curse for us by divine decree. Our part in realizing the tremendous meaning of His curse is the conviction of sin. Conviction is given to us as a gift of shame and repentance; it is the great mercy of God. Jesus Christ hates the sin in people, and Calvary is the measure of His hatred.