How can U vote for someone who used to accept partial-birth abortion?


New member
How can U vote for someone who used to accept partial-birth abortion?

Seriously... How could you even think for ONE SECOND to vote for someone who thinks it's OK to torture and mutilate HUMAN BEINGS

Only one of the 17 R candidates is guilty of this

I haven't heard ONE WORD so far that he has repented of it, either

Don't you just LOVE Bush's campaign ad... showing us just how UNCONSERVATIVE Trump is?

Good going, Bush! I knew most of that stuff already... but not all... downright scary


patrick jane

How can U vote for someone who used to accept partial-birth abortion?

Seriously... How could you even think for ONE SECOND to vote for someone who thinks it's OK to torture and mutilate HUMAN BEINGS

Only one of the 17 R candidates is guilty of this

I haven't heard ONE WORD so far that he has repented of it, either

Don't you just LOVE Bush's campaign ad... showing us just how UNCONSERVATIVE Trump is?

Good going, Bush! I knew most of that stuff already... but not all... downright scary


do you Jeb Bush to be the candidate to run for president ?


New member
do you Jeb Bush to be the candidate to run for president ?


do I want him to be the nominee??

well... u must not be reading my posts...

I want Walker, Cruz, Carson, Fiorina or Santorum or Perry

I haven't absolutely made up my mind... but I have my favorites.. as everyone does, I reckon




do I want him to be the nominee??

well... u must not be reading my posts...

I want Walker, Cruz, Carson, Fiorina or Santorum or Perry

I haven't absolutely made up my mind... but I have my favorites.. as everyone does, I reckon


Carson and (maybe) Fiorina are the only two realistic options in your faves list. Which do you prefer?


New member
Carson and (maybe) Fiorina are the only two realistic options in your faves list. Which do you prefer?

I doubt it

but I would prefer Carson over F just b/c he is male... sorry, but I am just being honest... I have had SOO many problems/issues with females...

although, you know.. I've had plenty with males also... so...

I don't know... I just like Carson and feel that he is TRULY pro life... he used to do surgery on UNBORN babies.. You know.. those creatures the Left say are worthless... (except for their $making body parts, of course)



New member
it's like

Hey, i used to think torturing and murdering children was a good thing

But now i just believe in torturing and murdering children whose parents were criminals

I've evolved

Vote for me




New member
it's like

Hey, i used to think torturing and murdering children was a good thing

But now i just believe in torturing and murdering children whose parents were criminals

I've evolved

Vote for me



You must not be a big fan of King David either, huh? He did some pretty horrible things too.

The Horn

There is no such thing as "Partial birth abortion ". It's not even an official term in the medical profession or one used by gynecologists and obstetricians .
It's just a nasty-sounding term invented by the anti-choice movement
in order to try to justify making abortion illegal again .
There are no politicians who support "partial birth abortion " because it doesn't exist !
Late term abortions are extremely rare and done only in case of medical emergencies to save a woman's life . Pregnant women don't just capriciously decide to have abortions at the last minute, nor do doctors perform such abortions anyway .
The overwhelming majority of abortions happen so early in a pregnancy that a fetus cannot feel any pain . It has no consciousness yet . Its brain is far from having formed fully if at all .
Kermit Gosnell ? This was a crazy incompetent quack and he is in no way typical of doctors who perform abortions .


Hall of Fame
There is no such thing as "Partial birth abortion ". It's not even an official term in the medical profession or one used by gynecologists and obstetricians .
It's just a nasty-sounding term invented by the anti-choice movement
in order to try to justify making abortion illegal again .


Abortion, partial birth

Partial birth abortion, medically known as intact dilation and extraction (IDX), is a method of late-term abortion that ends a pregnancy and results in the death and intact removal of a fetus from the uterus. In the United States, as of late 2008 the procedure was illegal.

Partial birth abortion, or IDX, is performed to end a pregnancy in the mid to late second trimester. It is typically performed between weeks 19 and 26 of pregnancy. IDX is highly controversial. Some physicians argue that IDX has advantages that make it preferable to other late-term abortion procedures in some circumstances. One advantage is that the fetus is removed largely intact, allowing for better evaluation and autopsy of the fetus in cases of fetal abnormalities. Intact removal of the fetus also may carry a lower risk of puncturing the uterus or damaging the cervix. Another perceived advantage is that IDX ends the pregnancy without requiring the woman to go through labor. This may reduce the emotional trauma of ending the pregnancy when compared to other methods of late-term abortion. In addition, IDX may offer a lower cost and shorter procedure time. Regardless of any perceived advantages, the procedure is illegal in the United States. Even before the procedure became illegal, it was performed only rarely.


New member
I can't see any difference between Trump and Hellary... 2 speak of

in fact, Trump makes republicans look like the

ProfitIsGod folks a lot of people think Republicans are anyway...

not good

no appreciable difference...

not even sure T is the least bit more honest than H
