Hospital to End Baby Israel's Life


[Hospital to End Baby Israel's Life by Alexandra Snyder Life Legal Defense Foundation Sacramento, CA April 15, 2016 Christian Newswire] "Life Legal Defense Foundation received a call this week from the mother of Israel Stinson, a two-year old boy who suffered a severe asthma attack and is on life support. He has been at a Sacramento area hospital since April 1 and was transferred to a Kaiser facility on April 12.

After Israel was at the Kaiser hospital for less than 24 hours, the hospital notified the parents that they intended to run another test to determine Israel's brain activity—and that the hospital would likely withdraw Israel's life support, which would result in his immediate death.

Israel's mother posted notes throughout his hospital room instructing Kaiser not to conduct any tests on her son without her permission. The hospital ignored the notes and conducted the tests in violation of the mother's wishes.

Life Legal was in court with Israel's mother yesterday seeking a temporary restraining order prohibiting the hospital from withdrawing life support and requiring that Israel receive any treatment needed to maintain his stability. The judge granted the order.

Israel's parents will be back in Placer County Superior Court this morning fighting to keep Israel on life support until he can be evaluated by an outside specialist..." Full text: Hospital to End Baby Israel's Life Jn 8:36, Pr 8:36


[Hospital to End Baby Israel's Life by Alexandra Snyder Life Legal Defense Foundation Sacramento, CA April 15, 2016 Christian Newswire] "Life Legal Defense Foundation received a call this week from the mother of Israel Stinson, a two-year old boy who suffered a severe asthma attack and is on life support. He has been at a Sacramento area hospital since April 1 and was transferred to a Kaiser facility on April 12.

After Israel was at the Kaiser hospital for less than 24 hours, the hospital notified the parents that they intended to run another test to determine Israel's brain activity—and that the hospital would likely withdraw Israel's life support, which would result in his immediate death.

Israel's mother posted notes throughout his hospital room instructing Kaiser not to conduct any tests on her son without her permission. The hospital ignored the notes and conducted the tests in violation of the mother's wishes.

Life Legal was in court with Israel's mother yesterday seeking a temporary restraining order prohibiting the hospital from withdrawing life support and requiring that Israel receive any treatment needed to maintain his stability. The judge granted the order.

Israel's parents will be back in Placer County Superior Court this morning fighting to keep Israel on life support until he can be evaluated by an outside specialist..." Full text: Hospital to End Baby Israel's Life Jn 8:36, Pr 8:36

What tests did the hospital run and what were the results? The article does not say.


New member
While this is a sad story the main thing to take away from this is that the child is unfortunately already dead despite the mothers inability to accept it (a fairly understandable reaction given the sudden and traumatic nature of the illness and their likely artificially maintained appearance of life after)

[Hospital to End Baby Israel's Life by Alexandra Snyder Life Legal Defense Foundation Sacramento, CA April 15, 2016 Christian Newswire] "Life Legal Defense Foundation received a call this week from the mother of Israel Stinson, a two-year old boy who suffered a severe asthma attack and is on life support. He has been at a Sacramento area hospital since April 1 and was transferred to a Kaiser facility on April 12.

After Israel was at the Kaiser hospital for less than 24 hours, the hospital notified the parents that they intended to run another test to determine Israel's brain activity—and that the hospital would likely withdraw Israel's life support, which would result in his immediate death.
This sounds completely appropriate medically.
Israel's mother posted notes throughout his hospital room instructing Kaiser not to conduct any tests on her son without her permission. The hospital ignored the notes and conducted the tests in violation of the mother's wishes.
Given that typically consent is not needed for most investigations and her objections were not in the best interests of the child (asking that they not determine what if any brain is salvageable) her objections were moot. Though I hope they exhausted all attempts to discuss this with the mother in an appropriate manner first.

Also technically her letter said she objected to any tests which "jeopardize his well being" which would leave the doctors open to doing the testing.
Life Legal was in court with Israel's mother yesterday seeking a temporary restraining order prohibiting the hospital from withdrawing life support and requiring that Israel receive any treatment needed to maintain his stability. The judge granted the order.
Which is a fairly common reaction of judges around the world when this occurs, though how long this injunction lasts will depend on what (if any) legislation exists regarding brain death (if I recall correctly US law is fairly sparse on this subject in most states).
Israel's parents will be back in Placer County Superior Court this morning fighting to keep Israel on life support until he can be evaluated by an outside specialist..."
A specialist who will inevitably agree with the original declaration of brain death provided testing was done appropriately (which it sounds like it was). It also is likely to mean little if a complete brain death including brain stem has occurred since cardiac death is likely inevitable within the next days to weeks (I wouldn't be surprised if they had already died at the time I've posted this). Why? Because it can become very difficult to keep a bodies other functions going in the face of the loss of normal brain regulation/reflexes.

Here is another source CBS
Israel’s parents said he didn’t get oxygen for 40 minutes, causing severe brain injuries. They transferred him to Kaiser Permanente in Roseville where doctors came to the same conclusion.
If this is accurate it is not surprising that brain death would occur
What tests did the hospital run and what were the results? The article does not say.
It isn't clear but they likely did clinical brain death testing followed by (I hope given the conflict with family) radiological testing using either four vessel intra-arterial angiogram or a Technetium-99 radionucleotide scan to determine if there is any blood flow to the brain. The latter is not generally necessary but given the child's age and the dispute from family it would be common practice to perform.

Go baby Israel !!!!
But what are you cheering for? Baby Israel is unfortunately already dead regardless of whether blood still flows through their heart and has likely been dead since shortly after (or perhaps even before) getting to hospital.


New member
They weren't permitted to run the tests--is the point
Actually according to both yours and my article they did do the testing and it did show they were (unfortunately) brain dead. It's not explicitly stated what testing was done. What was legally blocked was the withdrawal of the ventilator +/- medication to maintain blood pressure, kidney function, etc