Hellary: [videos RE selling of baby body parts] is disturbing.. BUT


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Hellary: [videos RE selling of baby body parts] is disturbing.. BUT

But Oh well... (is the rest of it)

Hellary's position is:

Yeh, that doesn't look too good for Planned [Barren-head (my word 4 it)] but Oh well... Disturbing is OK. We can live with Disturbing... We just can't live without baby murder...

it's a right, you know

and anyone who disagrees and calls it Murder is an idiot... a misogynist

Post Abortion Syndrome?

Well, yeh, some women don't do too well after abortion... become self destructive, can't forgive themselves

but they will get over it. They just have yet to realize what a HUGE benefit abortion is to them, to all women...
