Happy Independence Day Fourth of July

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
After all the disgusting perversion of the last month celebrating sexual deviance, I believe it's worth noting a celebration of our core values as Americans, which have been severely eroded lately, the core value of resistance to tyrannical government. The kind of tyrannical government for instance that would make you celebrate sexual perversion for a whole month.

Have a safe 4th of July. Try not to lose any fingers. And if you're going to drink, drink responsibly.
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Worth noting that the month-long celebration of sodomy started with the sexual pervert Bill Clinton, was expanded by the affirmative action president, Hussein Soetero, and given extra attention by the current puppet in the White House, who has no idea what he's doing or who's telling him what to do.

Those who are pushing this disgusting crap on us, hate America. Hate our culture and are determined to destroy it. They want to tear it all down so that they can "build back better".