FISC or otherwise known as the FISA court has slammed the FBI

Gary K

New member
The FBI's failure to produce exculpatory evidence they possessed about Carter Page as well as submitting false documents as evidence for the FISA warrant used to start their Russia hoax investigation into the Trump campaign has resulted in a huge rebuke from the FISA court itself. Judge Collyer has ordered the FBI to change they way they do things in such a way the the FISC can consider FBI applications reliable. In legal language that's the same as saying that the FISC wants to know that they can be sure from now on out that the FBI is no longer lying to them. That's about as big a slam as the FISC court can give the FBI.

The following link takes you to a copy of that letter on scribd.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
The FBI's failure to produce exculpatory evidence they possessed about Carter Page as well as submitting false documents as evidence for the FISA warrant used to start their Russia hoax investigation into the Trump campaign has resulted in a huge rebuke from the FISA court itself. Judge Collyer has ordered the FBI to change they way they do things in such a way the the FISC can consider FBI applications reliable. In legal language that's the same as saying that the FISC wants to know that they can be sure from now on out that the FBI is no longer lying to them. That's about as big a slam as the FISC court can give the FBI.

The following link takes you to a copy of that letter on scribd.

Notice that the Progressives will not reply to this thread.

They said all along that the Obama's FBI FISA application scandal was nothing but a somke screen that the Republicans were using to divert attention away from Trump's so-called crimes.

But now the truth comes out that there were no crimes and the Republicans were right about Obama's FBI abuse of the FISA application.

It's going to be a lot of fun when indictments are brought against many people in Obama's administration just shortly before the 2020 elections. There will be many people who will never again vote for lawless Democrats during their lifetime.

Gary K

New member
Notice that the Progressives will not reply to this thread.

They said all along that the Obama's FBI FISA application scandal was nothing but a somke screen that the Republicans were using to divert attention away from Trump's so-called crimes.

But now the truth comes out that there were no crimes and the Republicans were right about Obama's FBI abuse of the FISA application.

It's going to be a lot of fun when indictments are brought against many people in Obama's administration just shortly before the 2020 elections. There will be many people who will never again vote for lawless Democrats during their lifetime.

You got that right. This is not going to end well for the Democrats. The only reason I can think of for them to keep on pursuing this when all their lies have been exposed is that they think they have enough Republican senators blackmailed, through Jeffrey Epstein's blackmail program that he ran against politicians and the very wealthy, to push impeachment through the Senate. I can see no other reason for continuing on down the road of deception that they have chosen to travel.

Gary K

New member
Lawrence O'Donnell Defends FBI Lying:

What you're seeing now is only a patch on how far the Democrats will go in their attempt to avoid prosecution for all the crimes they've committed whether the individuals responsible were the tools like Strzok, Page, Comey, Rosenstine, etc... or the ones behind them pulling the strings. This coup is the tip of the iceberg of corruption as far as Democrats are concerned. And they aren't the only ones. There's a lot of Republicans with the same level of guilt and involvement in criminal behavior too.

The swamp isn't a one-sided load of corruption. The Republicans have been lying through their teeth to their electorate for years in their coverups of their own dirty dealings. The only way to get our country back is a thorough cleaning out of Congress, the deep state, and the media who have actively participated in this coup against Trump.

It's interesting to talk to people on the street about this stuff. Where I live the antipathy towards this entire mess is intense. People who I would have never expected to support Trump are outraged by what is happening and the distrust of the entire corporate media means they have been rejected as being objective sources of reality for many years to come. They have destroyed their own reputations.