Fake global warming fuels destructive leftist agenda


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Why global warming alarmism? Are alarmist predictions proving accurate? No. Are global warming initiatives proving destructive to America and civilization? Absolutely.

Global Warming: Fake Science Again Serves Far-Left Political Agenda​

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Well-known member
Why global warming alarmism? Are alarmist predictions proving accurate? No. Are global warming initiatives proving destructive to America and civilization? Absolutely.Global Warming: Fake Science Again Serves Far-Left Political Agenda
Fake Science

The left is driving the GW fake science for political reasons totally unrelated to facts, evidence, or truth.

No Hard Evidence'

"The Fourth National Climate Assessment offers no hard evidence, just vague assertions and claims that past climate change is no evidence about future climate change," wrote Dr. Ken Haapala, president of the Science and Environmental Policy Project. "It earns the distinction that it does not meet the standards of the Information Quality Act, and each page should be stamped: 'Based on speculation, not hard evidence.' "

As we said, at some point the scientific malpractice of these government exercises in global warming propaganda has to end. This isn't fake news. It's fake science, which is just as dangerous.


Well-known member
Why global warming alarmism? Are alarmist predictions proving accurate? No. Are global warming initiatives proving destructive to America and civilization? Absolutely.

Global Warming: Fake Science Again Serves Far-Left Political Agenda​

Trump canceled Obama's attempt to force America to its knees before the fake global warming world domination fascism. Biden reinstated the destructive leftist policies which are why the US is experiencing extremely high gas prices and inflation.

The last report, in 2014, served as the pretext for President Obama to create both the Clean Power Plan and to sign on to the Paris Accords on global warming. President Trump dumped the Clean Power Plan and removed the U.S. from the Paris deal.

But this report is one area where President Trump didn't move fast enough to get his own people in place. The media touted that the "White House " produced the report. Sure, the Obama White House. And now, instead of having reliable, honest science about global warming, we get a bogus propaganda document. The authors mean to frighten Americans, not inform them


Well-known member
Why global warming alarmism? Are alarmist predictions proving accurate? No. Are global warming initiatives proving destructive to America and civilization? Absolutely.

Global Warming: Fake Science Again Serves Far-Left Political Agenda​

The ultimate leftist GW agenda is the overthrow of the nations of the entire world and the establishment of a one-world government ruled by a handful of demonic fascists under the direct influence of evil spirits.

Global Warming: Democrats' Agenda​

Don't worry. The incoming House Democrats have a whole new agenda built around global warming. It's nothing new. Back in 2016, the Democrats built into their platform a call to investigate — and presumably prosecute — businesses that didn't buy into their extremist global warming beliefs. This is scary, Stalinist stuff.

In the name of global warming, Americans may soon find their liberties to make a living and provide for their families curbed. It will come in the form of burdensome carbon taxes, tough restrictions on home building, and strict limits on car size and fuels.

In short, it's not the climate that the warmists wish to control. It's you.

So don't let these phony predictions of imminent climate doom made by government bureaucrats frighten you. Be angry instead.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
6 ways the left created a national emergency INTENTIONALLY

32,265 views May 24, 2022 This is all part of their plan, Glenn says. The far-left WANTS America to experience a national emergency so they can enact more control over YOUR life…just like they did during our last national crisis two years ago. From gas prices, our energy crisis, food shortages, our open border, and the looming possibility of world war, our nation’s economic and security stabilities seem to weaken more every single day. Glenn describes 6 ways he believes the left INTENTIONALLY is making sure that continues to happen…
