Eve's Purpose


New member
Gen 2:18 . .The Lord God said: It's not good for Adam to be solitary; I will make a fitting helper for him.

"fitting helper" is from two Hebrew words.

"Fitting" is from neged (neh'-ghed) which means: a front, i.e. part opposite; specifically a counterpart, or mate.

The word for "helper" is from 'ezer (ay'-zer) which means: aid.

Note that aid isn't spelled with an "e" as in aide; so that Eve wasn't meant to be the man's Girl Friday, rather; someone to strengthen him. In other words: woman's true role is a supporting role rather than a starring role.

I suspect that Adam didn't really have it all that easy in his world, and that Eve's companionship made his life a lot more tolerable and worth the living. The companion that God made for Adam was both his counterpart, and his crutch. In other words: wives are really at their best when they strengthen their men to go out that door and face the big, bad, mean world.

Eve's potential for companionship is the primary reason that God made her— not for her sex appeal nor for her reproductive value; no, for a man's companionship; which is commonly expressed by cordiality, friendliness, friendship, goodwill, kindness, civility, concord, harmony, rapport, charity, generosity, compassion, empathy, sympathy, chumminess, intimacy, affection, devotion, loyalty, fondness, and love.

From all that, I think we can safely conclude that a woman who tears her man down instead of building him up is a broken woman; i.e. maladjusted and out of sync with her maker.

NOTE: According to Dr. Laura Schlessinger, one of the ten stupid things that men do to mess up their lives is try to fix a broken woman.


New member
"In other words: wives are really at their best when they strengthen their men to go out that door and face the big, bad, mean world".

You don't seem to understand the perfection in which they both existed. "Bad and mean" didn't exist.


New member
Re: Eve's Purpose

I suspect that Adam didn't really have it all that easy in his world, and that Eve's companionship made his life a lot more tolerable and worth the living.

The garden wasn't just a truck patch; it was actually a farm consisting of orchards. (Gen 2:9)

Though fruit trees were already in the ground when Adam got there, the task of nurturing everything was his responsibility. (Gen 2:15)

Adam had no indoor plumbing, no bathroom tissue, no running water, no soap, no towels, no comb, no hair brush, no tooth paste, no toothbrush, no floss; no mattress, no pillows, no box spring, no blankets and no sheets.

Plus; nothing we think of as entertainment existed in his day-- not even a book, a newspaper, a crossword puzzle, or a deck of cards.

Adam's life lacked fulfillment-- it was dull; it was monotonous, it was boring, it was drudgery; and while Adam was taking care of the land, there was no one taking care of him until Eve came along.


Well-known member
I'm curious about that part of the story where Adam goes looking for his fitting helper or mate amongst the animals... Whose idea was that anyway? Not GOD's I assume since HE had Eve planned for him so it must have been Adam's idea.

My question is: was Adam being righteous, ie, in accord with GOD's plans for him and faithful to HIS leading or was he going his own way, ignoring GOD's plans in sinfulness when he went looking for his wife among the animals?? IF he was just bumbling around in his innocence, looking for a helper with the garden, why did GOD not just say to him, "Hold on there bud, I got a wife named Eve planned for you!"? Maybe HE didn't because HE knew Adam would resist and go all rebellious over it...so HE knocked him out instead and created Eve's body from his rib.

Before he named the animals Adam had a working relationship with YHWH, accepted HIM as GOD and did as he was asked. So why the subtle weirdness of adding to the quaint story of how the animals got names that Adam found no helper among the animals...???