ECT Evangelistic saturation?


Well-known member
With the capability of mass media and the possibility that at least one person in most families has been in contact with the true Gospel, is it time for believers to approach the whole thing in a completely different way which reflects those two things: to simply ask people what they think the Gospel is?

I have done this, and one of the welcome features of it is the willingness of most people to say something because you've just given them a topic to speak about which has a lot of force to it, no matter what. Their opinion will matter; they will have a story. It also opens the eyes to see that something might have been mistaken. and to clarify that you are not speaking about a type of music! Try that and get back here.


New member
Being that only a rare few preach "the true gospel" as you call it; I doubt many have ever heard it.

Ask the professing believer how he or she knows they are going to heaven.

You will often hear anything but "because Christ died for my sins and rose again for my justification."

More than likely their answer - as with the overwhelming majority on TOL - who easily take offense when asked - will be an answer in connection with what THEY did and or are doing.

That aside; another good question to ask is "do you ever consider spiritual matters know, like things after this life is over; that kind of thing..."

Can be asked in two parts...


Well-known member
Good; remember, it's not 'rose for our justification' but 'rose because we were justified' (it had been accomplished and he was being honored)... The apostles were concerned to express what the resurrection proved, more than what proved the resurrection.


New member
Good; remember, it's not 'rose for our justification' but 'rose because we were justified' (it had been accomplished and he was being honored)... The apostles were concerned to express what the resurrection proved, more than what proved the resurrection.

I was merely using KJV English...

Romans 4:25 Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification.

But try asking one believer or another how he knows he is'll surprised at the off base answer of far too many...

One way I soften the question is to ask them "I wonder...say that you were to die to day (or that after this life is over) you find yourself before God and He asks you "why should I let you into my heaven?" ever wonder how you'd answer that question?'

You'll get answers like "gosh; that's a good question - I guess I never really thought of that..."

Or, "well, I'm basically a decent person..."

And so on...

Some turn out having been lost all along...

Others turn out having been confused by one denomination's works view or another.

They had had trusted in the Lord's FINISHED work ALONE and had been fine - until the traditions of men got a hold of them.

All the same issues the Apostle Paul is ever dealing with in his Epistles to believers back then.


New member
Seeing as you call the evangel "gospel", proves beyond doubt, that you are neither qualified nor enlightened or equipped to question others.