Endocrinologist Professor Joel Brind in Studio on ABC Link

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Endocrinologist Professor Joel Brind in Studio on ABC Link

Friday September 22nd, 2006. This is show #190.


* National Cancer Institute Dissenting Opinion: that abortion is a significant risk factor for breast cancer was the voice of Prof. Joel Brind. Hear his explanation about how pregnancy hormones begin a process of differentiation of mammary gland cells, which abortion abruptly shuts down, leaving the woman with undifferentiated cells vulnerable to carcinogens. The demographic increase of breast cancer in American women matches our legalization of abortion through Roe v. Wade.

Today's THREE Resources: 1) Click over to this AbortionBreastCancer website! 2) Listen to Bob Enyart's study on Genesis: The Fall, to get additional information about how disobedience has effected the human reproductive system! 3) Watch Infanticide Exposed, Not BY the New York Times, but IN it!


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Johnny said:
Why is it important to establish the link between breast cancer and abortion?
Because it will lower the incidence of both breast cancer and abortion.



This site shows how the Melbye study in Denmark, which supposedly closed the case on the abc [abortion-breast cancer] link, is flawed, even in this layman's eyes.

He fudged several factors, which all together, worked out so that there was 0% correlation between the two. He misrepresented the fact that although abortion was quasi legal in Denmark in 1940, it became a right for Danish women in 1973, up to 12 weeks. Therefore 60,000 women who had abortions were not listed with the 281,000 who did. He also included 350,000 women under the age of 25 in his correlations. No one is saying that abortion leads to breast cancer at such a young age. Rather it appears mostly starting in their 50's.

Mainly by these two huge numbers, the 60,000 who were errouneously listed as not having had an abortion; and then the 350,000 under age 25 who were listed of whom 40,000 had induced abortions, but only 8 had breast cancer: Malbye dramatically skewed the 1.5 million in his study, to conclude that there was no connection, between abortion and breast cancer.

Only the willing blind eye would accept such a blatantly fraudulent, study and analysis.


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Nice going. Good junk science there...

Maybe we should do what happens more often than not when Jeff posts a new thread.

And ignore it.


Granite said:
Nice going. Good junk science there...

Maybe we should do what happens more often than not when Jeff posts a new thread.

And ignore it.

The junk science is what the Susan G. Komen foundation uses to ignore the link between abortion and breast cancer. The Melbye study is considered the definitive study by many of those who not just pooh pooh the link, but are irate if you even mention it as a possibility.

The 1.5 million used in the study with no abc link found, 0% correlation between abortion and breast cancer sounds conclusive and definitive. However if you include the 60, 000 who had abortions and either exclude the 350,000 who have not reached "breast cancer age" or properly "cohort" them; then the study shows a high correlation between the two.

We can't ignore it because everywhere I go people are raising millions of dollars this month for the Komen foundation, to fight breast cancer, and then they are sending millions of dollars to Planned Parenthood, which probably is "a" real cause of the "epidemic" of breast cancer in the first place.

Then worst of all they will not even tell these "poor" women a possible way to prevent breast cancer in their own daughters, and their own freinds.


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There are some fairly recent studies which really warrant some attention from the ABC link crowd. While I am against abortion, I tend to be highly skeptical of the ABC link. I'm interested in Dr. Brind's porposed pathophysiology of abortion-related breast cancer. Anyone know where I can find more information?

I'm also interested in the "ABC link" crowd's opinion on spontaneous abortion and breast cancer. One study I read which used highly sensitive pregnancy markers concluded that the rate of spontaneous abortion amongst women is somewhere around 25% (some studies found actually it to be higher). If the pathophysiology of the breast-cancer related abortion is as proposed by Dr. Brind, shouldn't we find an increased breast cancer rate amongst women who have unsuccessfully attempted to reproduce OR have had a known miscarriage? Why aren't miscarriages strongly correlated with increased risk of breast cancer?

There was also a rather large meta-analysis published in March 2004 which analyzed 53 epidemiological studies and found no statistically significant link. Has Dr. Brind addressed this study?


Since abortion is a planned and purposeful taking of a life of a baby in the womb by a human being, what is a spontaneous abortion. Please define, without making any moral equivalencies, if you mean a miscarriage? Thanks.


Assuming you mean miscarriages, I think he covered that on the show, but I am not exactly sure if, and what, he said. I have read that there have been studies concerning the link between miscarriage and breast cancer and that there is none. Whether you believe in God, or simply "mother nature"; apparently the body becomes "wise" to the imminemt miscarriage and somehow "stops?" producing the undifferentiated cells that might have caused harm.

Obviously abortion is different! The body is "unwise" as to the truly spontaneous and abrupt abortion of the child. Also you have added mechanical or chemical elements to the woman's body. Those could also be contributive to the ABC link.
However I "think" Brind sounds like he knows what he is talking about and it is rather due to the mass # of undifferentiated cells which are now unexpectedly left to not realize maturity.
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