Eduardo Verástegui Endorsed Colorado Personhood

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Eduardo Verástegui Endorsed Colorado Personhood

This is the show from Thursday May 8th 2008.


* Critically-Acclaimed Film Bella: already a theatrical success, this week Bella is released on DVD, and on Bob Enyart Live, Bella star Eduardo Verástegui, commenting on the Colorado for Equal Rights 2008 personhood signature drive said, "I'm going to be praying for those signatures, and I'm sure there's going to be thousands more than you expect!" According to Verástegui, the goal is, "to protect the human first, from the moment of conception to natural death, you have to be protected!" Praise God and thank you Eduardo!

* Eduardo Verástegui Promised God: that he would not make any film that inconsistent with his faith in God, or harmful to the family or culture! Praise God! And Eduardo tells a story of a Florida couple who were scheduled to have an abortion, and he flew there to give them a private screening of the film, and not only did they decide against killing their baby, but they now have a beautiful little girl, named . . . Bella!

* Victory Rally and Signature Turn In: You are invited! May 13th is the big day! Colorado for Equal Rights will be having a victory rally and a press conference starting at 12 noon on the 13th at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 1555 Grant Street in Denver! Campaign Staff will be there at 11 a.m. to process any last minute petitions that come in. Parking is $8 for the day at the hall or there are parking meters nearby. CER will deliver the petitions at 2 p.m. so this will be the absolute last chance to turn in signatures. "Come join the celebration, and march with us to the Secretary of State's office to turn in these petitions. You earned it!" said campaign coordinator Keith Mason. For more info call 719 749-2164.

* Blank Petitions: Please keep any blank petitions you have...we may need to work overtime after May 13th to collect more signatures. We will let you know if this is the case, so please keep hold of any empty petitions you don't fill up before the 13th.

* Every Signature is a Wanted Signature: CER needs all the signatures that are out there and they need them now! So we must be diligent to gather up all of those signatures. CER will hold petition notarizing events this weekend when you can deliver your petitions directly to the campaign and they will have a notary available to notarize them on the spot! It is now too late to mail in your petitions, unless you overnight them to CRTL, 1535 Grant Street #303, Denver CO 80203 (which is located next door to the Victory Rally location at Denver's Knights of Columbus hall).

* Pick Up Service: In special circumstances CER will come pick up your petitions, but only give your petitions to AUTHORIZED CAMPAIGN STAFF like Keith Mason, Mike Burton, or Cal Zastrow! This is very important for security reasons. CER hopes to see you at one of the following events, so please tell everyone you know that has petitions to bring them to a Panera Breads restaurant in their community rooms at the following times.

Colorado Springs: Tomorrow, Friday May 9th 6-7pm Academy Shops Panera Bread 7344 North Academy Shops

Downtown Denver: Saturday May 10th 3-4pm Capitol Heights Panera Bread 1330 Grant Street

Arvada: Monday May 12th 6-7pm Arvada Panera Bread 7739 Wadsworth Boulevard Arvada

Today's Resource: Enjoy listening to Bob Enyart's Bible study on miracles and healing! It's titled Details Galore! Also, you can read the same information in Bob's life's work, the best-selling manuscript, The Plot!
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