

New member
The original Easter occurred on the first day of the Jews' week. (Matt 28:1, Mark 16:1-2, and John 20:1)

However, the first day of the Jews' week isn't the anchor for Jesus' resurrection. The real anchor is whatever night of the week that the paschal lamb is eaten, and the date for that night floats on the civil calendar, i.e. it isn't fixed like Christmas and birthdays.

The paschal dinner is always eaten at night; viz: after the sun goes down-- all the way down. This year's night for the dinner will commence after sundown on Friday April 19 which means that Jesus would die on the cross the afternoon of that same day because his death occurred during the afternoon of the day that the Jews were preparing for their paschal lamb dinner. (John 18:28, John 19:14)

So if we begin counting the three days that Jesus predicted in John 2:19 with sunrise April 20; then Easter this year would take place after sunrise on April 22; in other words: Easter would take place on a Monday this year instead of Sunday.

The three nights that Jesus predicted in Matt 12:40 are counted by beginning with the night of the paschal dinner. Seeing as it's scheduled to begin after sundown April 19, then that night becomes the first night; and the third night would then begin after sundown April 21.


New member
Re: Easter

FYI: I didn't begin the thread intending to prove that Good Friday is an error. It's merely to show what day of the week that Easter would fall on were Jesus crucified in 2019.

BTW: Easter would fall on Saturday April 11 were he crucified in 2020, and Tuesday March 30 were he crucified in 2021.


New member
Re: Easter

Most everyone the world over knows that Easter commemorates Jesus Christ's resurrection; but the thing that needs to be told again and again is that without it, his crucifixion would've been futile.

1Cor 15:17 . . If Christ has not been raised, your faith is worthless; you are still in your sins.

Let me explain.

Rom 4:25 . . He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification.

The first half of that verse speaks of Isa 53:6

"We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and The Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all."

The second half of Rom 4:25 speaks of "justification" which is translated from the Greek word dikaiosis (dik-ah'-yo-sis) which means acquittal; defined as an adjudication of innocence.

In other words; it's by means of Christ's resurrection that people can get their records, spoken of in Rev 20:11-15, cleared so that on the books it's as though they've never been anything but 100% innocent.

Were I the Devil, the one component of Christianity that I would make my mission in life to invalidate is Christ's resurrection because it is by means of belief in his resurrection that hell-bound people have the opportunity to obtain an acquittal. Failure to believe it will result in losing their one God given chance to wipe the books; and thus they'll remain on a sure-fire path to the sum of all fears.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Are you the guy who starts threads then disappears? Are you promoting a blog or something?


New member


Are you promoting a blog or something?

Today I'm promoting Easter; and if Christianity is for real, then there is only one last breath between you and your worst nightmare if you fail to accept that Jesus Christ's crucified dead body was restored to life.


New member
Most everyone the world over knows that Easter commemorates Jesus Christ's resurrection; but the thing that needs to be told again and again is that without it, his crucifixion would've been futile.

1Cor 15:17 . . If Christ has not been raised, your faith is worthless; you are still in your sins.

Let me explain.

Rom 4:25 . . He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification.

The first half of that verse speaks of Isa 53:6

"We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and The Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all."

The second half of Rom 4:25 speaks of "justification" which is translated from the Greek word dikaiosis (dik-ah'-yo-sis) which means acquittal; defined as an adjudication of innocence.

In other words; it's by means of Christ's resurrection that people can get their records, spoken of in Rev 20:11-15, cleared so that on the books it's as though they've never been anything but 100% innocent.

Were I the Devil, the one component of Christianity that I would make my mission in life to invalidate is Christ's resurrection because it is by means of belief in his resurrection that hell-bound people have the opportunity to obtain an acquittal. Failure to believe it will result in losing their one God given chance to wipe the books; and thus they'll remain on a sure-fire path to the sum of all fears.

Those are the facts which are in and of themselves wonderful. However, the experiance of the effect of those facts is off the scale wonderful.