Donald Trump: Make Russia Great Again!



Today this President terminated America's participation in the Paris Climate Accords to join Syria and Nicaragua as the only 3 nations not to sign on!

Many of national and multinational corporations had actually lobbied the President in favour of the Climate Accords, noting that the future will reward those who take a leadership role in promoting renewable energy - not fossil fuels!

Like the healthcare legislation that will deny access to affordable healthcare to 25 million of American's most vulnerable citizens and the firing of FBI Director Comey for investigating he President's links with the Russians, Trump is systematically undermining America's political institutions, her NATO commitments, the health of the nation and future economic benefits associated with the renewable energy!

Footnote: Nicaragua, it should noted, refused to sign the Paris Climate Accords in protest that they do enough to limit climate change!
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Huge cuts to food stamps part of Trump’s budget proposal
May 22, 2017

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump’s budget would drive millions of people off of food stamps, part of a new wave of spending cut proposals that already are getting panned by lawmakers in both parties on Capitol Hill.

Trump’s blueprint for the 2018 budget year comes out Tuesday. It includes a wave of cuts to benefit programs such as Medicaid, federal employee pensions, welfare benefits and farm subsidies.

All told, according to people familiar with the plan, Trump’s budget includes $1.7 trillion over 10 years in cuts from such so-called mandatory programs. That includes cuts to pensions for federal workers and higher contributions toward those pension benefits, as well as cuts to refundable tax credits paid to the working poor. People familiar with the plan were not authorized to discuss it by name and requested anonymity.

Cuts include a whopping $193 billion from food stamps over the coming decade — a cut of more than 25 percent — implemented by cutting back eligibility and imposing additional work requirements, according to talking points circulated by the White House. The program presently serves about 42 million people.
Just how does sending 42 million citizens to bed hungry "Make America Great Again?"

This is just one in a long list of Trump's initiatives that will destroy the social fabric of American society!
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Just how does sending 42 million citizens to bed hungry "Make America Great Again?"

This is just one in a long list of Trump's initiatives that will destroy the social fabric of American society!

It's called tough love, self respect. Get a job man!

Sent from my iPhone using TOL

patrick jane

Just how does sending 42 million citizens to bed hungry "Make America Great Again?"

This is just one in a long list of Trump's initiatives that will destroy the social fabric of American society!
Because they are milking the government, getting free food and not working


New member
It was a bad lop-sided "treaty". What else would you expect from a naïve "community organizer"?


It was a bad lop-sided "treaty". What else would you expect from a naïve "community organizer"?
And you know that because of your extensive international experience and review of the details. Nah, its easier to just repeat what the ignorant Trumpeter said, right? Lets join Nicaragua and Syria, those wonderful countries.


New member
And you know that because of your extensive international experience and review of the details. Nah, its easier to just repeat what the ignorant Trumpeter said, right? Lets join Nicaragua and Syria, those wonderful countries.

A "treaty" must go before the U.S. Senate for ratification.
A "community organizer" is not qualified to ratify.


New member


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Forced welfare programs in the USA need to be eliminated.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Today this President terminated America's participation in the Paris Climate Accords to join Syria and Nicaragua as the only 3 nations not to sign on!

Many of national and multinational corporations had actually lobbied the President in favour of the Climate Accords, noting that the future will reward those who take a leadership role in promoting renewable energy - not fossil fuels!

Your commentary is just as nonsensical as the accord itself. The Paris Accord was nothing more than the world expecting the U.S. citizenry to foot the bill to the tune of billions of U.S. dollars on a massive foreign aide scam. The notable point here is that "Man Made" climate change has never been proven, nor can it proven that any action on humankind's part can stop the global climate change phenomena. I understand that "Global Warming" or now referred to as "Climate Change" is the religion of the left so this subject is near and dear to you but, most see it for the hysteria it is. The world is on it's own on this one, they can fix the pollution problems in their own respective countries without U.S. dollars.

Like the healthcare legislation that will deny access to affordable healthcare to 25 million of American's most vulnerable citizens

You would mean the Unaffordable Care Act that is currently falling on it's own weight? For someone that wants the government to take care of you from cradle to grave you have to understand that this nation cannot support the world & you as well. Did you ever stop to think that sending billions in foreign aide, supporting every illegal alien that comes across our border, and sending monies to support other global boondoggles like the Paris Accord take America even further from being able to have a solution to the healthcare subsidies needed to support entitlements like Obamacare or any other subsidized healthcare program? Priorities Man! you need priorities, the nation will go broke filling every whim you crazy liberals have.

and the firing of FBI Director Comey for investigating he President's links with the Russians, Trump is systematically undermining America's political institutions,

You are a tool! along with the rest of your marxist liberal tribe. You all were screaming for the head of this guy during the we really have to post a bunch of clips of the band of liberal idiots such as Pelosi, Schumer, and the rest of the liberal hee haw gang calling for his head? James Comey was fired for his ongoing breaches of his authority, and going forward I expect we will see that he abused the office he held. He was fired and rightfully so, I am surprised it took Trump so long to do it.

her NATO commitments, the health of the nation and future economic benefits associated with the renewable energy!

America has not, and will not shy away from it's NATO commitments but, if taking the rest of the members to task for expecting Americans to shoulder the monetary load is offensive to them...GOOD! It is about time that an American president calls them out for the freeloaders they are. Liberals globally are all created equal, they want it all and expect others to pay for it, not them. Well, those days are over...

Footnote: Nicaragua, it should noted, refused to sign the Paris Climate Accords in protest that they do enough to limit climate change!

Translation: America needs to send them more money as well...epic fail. If Nicaragua wants more done than they should lead the charge and commit their treasury to the cause.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Your commentary is just as nonsensical as the accord itself. The Paris Accord was nothing more than the world expecting the U.S. citizenry to foot the bill to the tune of billions of U.S. dollars on a massive foreign aide scam. The notable point here is that "Man Made" climate change has never been proven, nor can it proven that any action on humankind's part can stop the global climate change phenomena. I understand that "Global Warming" or now referred to as "Climate Change" is the religion of the left so this subject is near and dear to you but, most see it for the hysteria it is. The world is on it's own on this one, they can fix the pollution problems in their own respective countries without U.S. dollars.

You would mean the Unaffordable Care Act that is currently falling on it's own weight? For someone that wants the government to take care of you from cradle to grave you have to understand that this nation cannot support the world & you as well. Did you ever stop to think that sending billions in foreign aide, supporting every illegal alien that comes across our border, and sending monies to support other global boondoggles like the Paris Accord take America even further from being able to have a solution to the healthcare subsidies needed to support entitlements like Obamacare or any other subsidized healthcare program? Priorities Man! you need priorities, the nation will go broke filling every whim you crazy liberals have.

You are a tool! along with the rest of your marxist liberal tribe. You all were screaming for the head of this guy during the we really have to post a bunch of clips of the band of liberal idiots such as Pelosi, Schumer, and the rest of the liberal hee haw gang calling for his head? James Comey was fired for his ongoing breaches of his authority, and going forward I expect we will see that he abused the office he held. He was fired and rightfully so, I am surprised it took Trump so long to do it.

America has not, and will not shy away from it's NATO commitments but, if taking the rest of the members to task for expecting Americans to shoulder the monetary load is offensive to them...GOOD! It is about time that an American president calls them out for the freeloaders they are. Liberals globally are all created equal, they want it all and expect others to pay for it, not them. Well, those days are over...

Translation: America needs to send them more money as well...epic fail. If Nicaragua wants more done than they should lead the charge and commit their treasury to the cause.
Atta boy, Rocky!

Greg Jennings

New member

Today this President terminated America's participation in the Paris Climate Accords to join Syria and Nicaragua as the only 3 nations not to sign on!

Many of national and multinational corporations had actually lobbied the President in favour of the Climate Accords, noting that the future will reward those who take a leadership role in promoting renewable energy - not fossil fuels!

Like the healthcare legislation that will deny access to affordable healthcare to 25 million of American's most vulnerable citizens and the firing of FBI Director Comey for investigating he President's links with the Russians, Trump is systematically undermining America's political institutions, her NATO commitments, the health of the nation and future economic benefits associated with the renewable energy!

Footnote: Nicaragua, it should noted, refused to sign the Paris Climate Accords in protest that they do enough to limit climate change!

I firmly believe that methane and nitrous from livestock is the driver of climate change and that CO2 is a smaller part, but this move looks terrible anyway. Trump clearly couldn't give two bleeps about facts. I voted for the guy and I'm regretting it more every day

patrick jane

I firmly believe that methane and nitrous from livestock is the driver of climate change and that CO2 is a smaller part, but this move looks terrible anyway. Trump clearly couldn't give two bleeps about facts. I voted for the guy and I'm regretting it more every day
We regret people like you that think the Paris Accord actually accomplished anything. Trump doesn't need supporters like you


Do Businesses Support The Paris Climate Agreement? Trump’s Decision May Clash With Exxon, Shell, Coal Firms

The chief executive of energy giant ExxonMobil Corp. — wrote an open letter to Trump last week pushing the president to stick to the accord, based on his assertion that the U.S. is “well positioned to compete” in the energy market.

Shell Oil Co. ... the company was also one of 16 firms that signed an April letter to Trump stating, “We urge that the United States remain a party to the Paris Agreement” and “work constructively with other nations to implement the agreement.”

Statoil - another oil company that has expressed support for the accord

Arch Coal Inc. ... told White House officials privately that it would publicly support remaining in the agreement on the condition that the administration would financially support the coal industry

Nike Inc ..., was one of several hundred corporate signatories of an open letter urging the administration, members of Congress and leaders around the world to stay committed.

Johnson & Johnson, which signed the same letter as Nike

“The bottom line is that most of these companies have moved on ... At this point, the opposition to [the Paris Climate Agreement] is totally political.”
- Anant Sundaram, a professor at Dartmouth University's Tuck School of Business

- A full 70 percent of companies in the Standard & Poor's 500 index had signed some sort of energy-efficiency strategy, and some oil firms have even included “shadow prices” based on the expected costs of compliance in their future budgets,

- if American corporations lag behind those of the rest of the world when it comes to minimizing their environmental impact, he added, the effect on U.S. exports could be detrimental: Paris Accord signatories could impose a tax on American products with significant carbon footprints. Such a consequence, he said, “would be shameful.”
When 70% of S&P500 corporatiions oppose withdrawing from the Climate Accords, "Big Business" is saying that Trump is bad for business!


Greg Jennings

New member
We regret people like you that think the Paris Accord actually accomplished anything. Trump doesn't need supporters like you

Tell me PJ, I know that science is meaningless to you, but what about your country?

If Comey testifies and says that Trump and the Russians worked together, would that change your mind?

I'm betting no, because you're just another hardline anti-liberal on anything and everything. And you'll hitch your wagon to anything that takes it to the "crooked media" and the "fake news" that you so desperately want to exist.

In short, you're small-minded. Learn to look at an issue from every single position. Examine all opinions. Only then can you make an informed decision.

But to you, despite being a Republican voter in every election I've had the ability to vote in, I'm a liberal who can't be trusted. I doubt you'll listen to my advice