Democrats stripping election safeguards


Democrats stripping election safeguards

President Biden’s approval rate is in a freefall, plunging to an all-time low of 33%, and Democrats are on the precipice of losing both the House and Senate. That’s why Democrats tried to pass the "Freedom to Vote" Act - which should be called the "Right to Cheat" Act - to eliminate our election rules. Luckily, the left’s plan was foiled; but just because they failed once, doesn’t mean they won’t try again.

In fact, after Democrat Sens. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema joined all Senate Republicans in filibustering the bill, Majority Leader Chuck Schumer was quick to say that the bill’s failure "will not deter Senate Democrats from continuing our fight against voter suppression, dark money and partisan gerrymandering;" how ironic, since they perpetrate all of it exponentially.

Here’s what’s really going on: the left’s plan for winning elections going forward is to rig the rules and undermine our republic. Democrats have pinned their reelection hopes on trashing Americans’ photo ID safeguards, allowing illegal aliens and non-citizens to vote in our elections, and a host of other rules to tip future elections in their favor. They hypocritically pursue their self-aggrandizing agenda - even though voter ID enjoys the overwhelming support of 81% of voters, according to an Honest Elections Project poll. In fact, voter integrity measures are supported by a bipartisan majority of Americans, including the addition of effective protections for mail-in ballots, and banning vote trafficking.

BEWARE what the Left hand of the Democrat party is doing while the right hand beats war drums