CRTL Forces Pull of Waller's Pro-Abort Bill

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CRTL Forces Pull of Waller's Pro-Abort Bill

This is the show from Monday March 28th, 2011.


* Gazette Publishes Colorado RTL's Fetal-Crimes Exposé: Read CRTL's fabulous guest column in the Colorado Springs Gazette, which could have been written with a sledge hammer, which exposes "pro-life" Rep. Mark Waller's 16-page "fetal crimes" bill which itself was a crime against unborn children. Widespread pro-life opposition, led by CRTL, forced Waller to pull his own bill, which contained anti-personhood wording and came complete with support for abortion politics.  Rep. Waller should have replaced his legislation with this neutral, single-sentence bill written for Colorado Right To Life by a county prosecutor:

"If the commission of any crime codified in Title 18 of the Colorado Criminal Code is the proximate cause of death or injury to an unborn member of the species Homo sapiens at any stage of development, the respective homicide and assault charges for that death or injury may be brought contemporaneously with the underlying charges."

* Iowa State Representative Hero Tom Shaw: Rep. Shaw writes that the: "SUPPOSEDLY “PRO-LIFE” “FETAL PAIN” BILL IS WORSE THAN ROE V. WADE" and that the Nat'l RTL fetal pain bill authors, "admit in the language of the bill that the fetus, or child, is a person. They admit that life begins at conception. And yet they allow this person to be killed."

* Jo Scott tells Bob that with the above important stories, the lasting event in today's news may be that American Right To Life has published the Priests for Life profile of Fr. Frank Pavone. See!

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