Countdown To The Final Debate!!!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Amazing performance from a 74 year old man who just 2 and a half weeks ago was hospitalized with the most deadly virus/pandemic in the history of the universe
Finally watched some of the debate, and it’s stunning how liberals are such utter morons. Biden's green energy plan is like some comic book fairy dust! Who can possibly believe any of that? Windmills are going to replace fossil fuels? Electric cars the standard? You know, the only crack that idiot would have at thus going "green" would be to have everybody living within 10 miles of a Chernobyl, nuclear reactors out the wazoo. (Stuttering Joe's probably also thinking he'll somehow be going green, by converting mountains of fossil fuels into electricity. These clowns should never even use words like "the science" this, “the science” that.) If a liberal had a functional brain, they'd realize old Joe just slapped his whole tree-hugging base upside the head, such a nuclear power programs escalation enough to make anybody whatsoever looking to emigrate, then. Biden and all his Marxist, sycophant chimps are in lala land. And buildings with tiny windows? Not that I'd mind the liberals going underground to their safe spaces and using periscopes, but that man is off the deep end.

I had hoped Biden would touch on what he plans to do, after he's spent or pocketed the rest of other peoples' money for the only lives that matter, that is, anybody that is entitled to get everything for free by virtue of birth, as long as they're not white, guilty of a any modicum of success, and certainly not Protestant, anyway, that is, highly unlikely Democrat votes. (Some things never change, “forty acres and a mule” gets them every time, “I promise you everything under the sun, at no cost. Pie-in-the-sky for all!”) And how about some details of that healthcare plan, how he's going to take care of everybody after most of the hospitals close? Biden would have fast food workers making higher wages than doctors or nurses. LOL! Not a peep about the new "affordable care" premiums, either, for everybody ineligible for freebees, one can only conclude set to quadruple again, over the cost of the affordable, Obamacare total fiasco, or maybe just go for broke, full liberal Bolshevik, to a 95% tax rate?

You know, anymore, if a Democrat opens their mouth, you can only expect a stream of fairy dust and degenerate nonsense to follow. If Biden wins, I think I'll get one of those big old, theater popcorn makers, as it's going to be a real hoot to see these liberal morons make a go at things that would bankrupt the nation ten times faster, and not a prayer of working, at that. Just to witness the debacle would maybe make it worthwhile, TV as bad as it is these days. The Joe Biden Hour. Why not? Or maybe call it The Hindenburg Show.

"If you like your nation, you can keep your nation." LOL!

You know a cliché that’s never yet been learned in history? “Better watch what you ask for, because you just might get it.”
Of course, Mr. Trump is personally responsible for all the COVID-19 deaths. How idiotic a thing to say, as if not to mention "do-nothing for half a century" Joe would have, what, single-handedly put a stop to airborne viruses?

The best protection for the U.S. isn't masks, rather would be if liberals would just put sock in it. And we need some better noise cancelling ear devices these days.

"So you're a Democrat? How embarrassing!" (Forget COVID-19, we also need a "race for the cure" for liberals. It's got to be some brain eating disease, for sure.)

Romans 1

25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge,
God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.


like marbles on glass
Paranoia and finger-pointing in Trumpworld as election approaches
President Donald Trump’s top advisers have plunged into a bitter round of finger-pointing and blame-shifting ahead of an increasingly likely defeat.

Accusations are flying in all directions and about all manner of topics — from allegedly questionable spending decisions by former campaign manager Brad Parscale, to how White House chief of staff Mark Meadows handled Trump's hospitalization for Covid-19, to skepticism that TV ads have broken through. Interviews with nearly a dozen Trump aides, campaign advisers and Republican officials also surfaced accusations that the president didn’t take fundraising seriously enough and that the campaign undermined its effort to win over seniors by casting Democrat Joe Biden as senile.

Finger-pointing is a common feature of campaigns that think they’re losing, but it's happening at an uncommon level in this campaign. Shifting responsibility has been a staple of the Trump presidency — and his lieutenants are now following suit. . . .

Yet Trump himself is getting blame from his team.

Some people close to the president say he is partly at fault for the fundraising downturn. The president canceled some events during part of the pandemic and, unlike Biden, refused to hold virtual fundraisers.

Others expressed frustration over his decision to skip the second debate, which would have been an opportunity for him to gain on Biden, and over his erratic behavior in the closing days of the race. Meanwhile, reelection officials were taken by surprise when on the Monday call he delivered a 30-minute expletive-filled tirade against myriad targets, including Anthony Fauci.

If Trump goes down, people who know the president say, don’t expect him to take responsibility.

Michael Cohen, a former Trump fixer who has since broken with the president, said the culture of finger-pointing filtered down from a boss who never accepted blame. That, Cohen said, left lieutenants to fight it out among themselves.

“It can never, ever be Trump’s fault,” Cohen said. “That’s the rule.”


Well-known member
Paranoia and finger-pointing in Trumpworld as election approaches
President Donald Trump’s top advisers have plunged into a bitter round of finger-pointing and blame-shifting ahead of an increasingly likely defeat.

Accusations are flying in all directions and about all manner of topics — from allegedly questionable spending decisions by former campaign manager Brad Parscale, to how White House chief of staff Mark Meadows handled Trump's hospitalization for Covid-19, to skepticism that TV ads have broken through. Interviews with nearly a dozen Trump aides, campaign advisers and Republican officials also surfaced accusations that the president didn’t take fundraising seriously enough and that the campaign undermined its effort to win over seniors by casting Democrat Joe Biden as senile.

Finger-pointing is a common feature of campaigns that think they’re losing, but it's happening at an uncommon level in this campaign. Shifting responsibility has been a staple of the Trump presidency — and his lieutenants are now following suit. . . .

Yet Trump himself is getting blame from his team.

Some people close to the president say he is partly at fault for the fundraising downturn. The president canceled some events during part of the pandemic and, unlike Biden, refused to hold virtual fundraisers.

Others expressed frustration over his decision to skip the second debate, which would have been an opportunity for him to gain on Biden, and over his erratic behavior in the closing days of the race. Meanwhile, reelection officials were taken by surprise when on the Monday call he delivered a 30-minute expletive-filled tirade against myriad targets, including Anthony Fauci.

If Trump goes down, people who know the president say, don’t expect him to take responsibility.

Michael Cohen, a former Trump fixer who has since broken with the president, said the culture of finger-pointing filtered down from a boss who never accepted blame. That, Cohen said, left lieutenants to fight it out among themselves.

“It can never, ever be Trump’s fault,” Cohen said. “That’s the rule.”

Stuff like this came out all the time in 2016.

It doesn't matter.

annabenedetti: I want to be able to murder babies.

Hilltrot: I think babies should have the right to live.

annabenedetti: Science is a tool to promote a leftist state. State-sponsored "scientists" should be followed blindly.

Hilltrot: Science has made mistakes before and we should be certain before destroying our lives based on something which could be false.

annabenedetti: Judges should be chosen based on whether they support the leftist ideology.

Hilltrot: Judges should be chosen based on whether they accurately apply written law.

annabenedetti: If I lose the election, I will attempt to overthrow the government, burn cities, and destroy my opposition.

Hilltrot: If I lose the election, I will attempt to convince people that they made a poor choice and support a candidate who may win the next election and support my views.

annabenedetti: Riots are free-speech. Talking about Jesus, opposing Islam, and things I disagree with are not free-speech and should be illegalized.

Hilltrot: Riots are not free-speech. Even the most hated speech should not be prohibited by the government.

annabenedetti: White people are evil.

Hilltrot: Evil people have many different colors.

annabenedetti: Men are evil.

Hilltrot: Men and women are equally evil.

annabenedetti: Fossil fuels need to be eliminated even if it causes poverty and misery.

Hilltrot: Petroleum needs to be conserved but there no reason to be concerned that they will either destroy the planet nor disappear.

annabenedetti: China is awesome and should not be inhibited in any way. China is better than the U.S. on civil rights.

Hilltrot: China is currently destroying civil rights while the U.S. is protecting them.

annabenedetti: Taxes should be higher.

Hilltrot: Taxes are ok at the levels they are right now.

annabenedetti: Israel should be destroyed and replaced by an Islamic state.

Hilltrot: Israel should be protected and peace should be supported in the Middle East.

annabenedetti: The Iranian government is good.

Hilltrot: The Iranian government is bad.

annabenedetti: The Green New Deal is awesome even though I won't admit it.

Hilltrot: The Green New Deal would destroy the U.S.

annabenedetti: Lock-downs are necessary for Covid.

Hilltrot: Lock-downs are not necessary for the China virus.

annabenedetti: Covid is Trump's fault.

Hilltrot: The China virus is the Chinese government's fault.

annabenedetti: Gender is determined by feelings an not sexual organs.

Hilltrot: Gender is determined by sexual organs.

and on

and on

Win or lose, I am right on all the issues. It would be sad if Trump lost, but I do have to realize that I am not of this world and the world rarely loves good.