Confessions of a Congressman


New member
1) Congress is not out of touch with folks back home.
2) Congress listens best to money.
3) Almost everyone in Congress loves gerrymandering.
4) You have no secret ballot anymore.
5) We don't have a Congress but a parliament.
6) Congressional committees are a waste of time.
7) Congress is a stepping-stone to lobbying.
8) The best people don't run for Congress.
9) Congress is still necessary to save America, and cynics aren't helping.

Confessions of a Congressman: 9 Secrets From the Inside - full article

Get over your nostalgia: Congress has never been more than a sausage factory. The point here isn't to make us something we're not. The point is to get us to make sausage again. But for that to happen, the people have to rise up and demand better.

Brilliant article published anonymously (obviously) that really strikes at the heart of the problem.


New member
Hall of Fame
From 1: Congress votes fewer than 100 days a year, spending the rest of the time back home where we pander to their constituents' short-term interests, not the long-term good of the nation.

From 4: Gone are the days when you were expected to vote your conscience and your district, the true job of a congressperson.

When I first read this I thought these two bits were a little contradictory but I suppose it can make sense, by voting your district but not at the expense of long-term wellness.

I hate #2. We need to change campaign laws. And the number about lobbying. I think that's harder to do something about though.


New member
This country was bought and sold a long time ago. Congress and the President aren't responsible to the voters. They are responsible to their owners. The moneyed interests of the world control the government 100%. Votes do not matter at all. If the votes came in and candidate A got 90% of the votes but the moneyed interests wanted candidate B, then candidate B would be given the election. Politicians aren't elected. They're selected


New member
This country was bought and sold a long time ago. Congress and the President aren't responsible to the voters. They are responsible to their owners. The moneyed interests of the world control the government 100%. Votes do not matter at all. If the votes came in and candidate A got 90% of the votes but the moneyed interests wanted candidate B, then candidate B would be given the election. Politicians aren't elected. They're selected

there may or may not be truth in this, but since a leftie says it, I choose to ignore...

you lefties are not into absolute truth... truths such as:

abortion is always murder...




New member
Hall of Fame
there may or may not be truth in this, but since a leftie says it, I choose to ignore...
