Columbine Memorial Words revealed

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Columbine Memorial Words revealed

This is the show from Friday September 21st, 2007.


* Inscribed in Granite: Brian Rohrbough's words to his son Danny are revealed for the first time in the Columbine Memorial opening today:
"Dad, I have a question." Why? My son in a Nation that legalized the killing of innocent children in the womb; in a County where authorities would lie and cover up what they knew and what they did; in a Godless school system your life was taken . . . Dan I'm sorry."
Brian gave the Rocky Mountain News an exclusive, and their front page today referenced a full-page story on page in Brian told of this memory of his son, and the News reported all of these powerful words, which then conclude:
"I love you dad I'll see you tomorrow." 7:00 p.m., April 19, 1999. "There is no peace," says the Lord, "for the wicked." Isaiah 48:22

* Help us get this to Matt Drudge: For today only, Friday Sept 21, please write your own or copy the following into the SEND NEWS TIPS TO DRUDGE field and click Submit, at the
Rocky Mtn News: Columbine memorial opens today with father's controversial anti-abortion inscription; Clintons helped raise $1.5M for project;,1299,DRMN_15_5703543,00.html

* BEL's Medical Analyst Nurse Maria: correctly rebuffed the medical counsel giving advice to Dr. James Dobson and Focus on the Family, by exposing the blatantly false advice given to Dr. Dobson by Colorado Springs OB-GYN Dr. Roy Stringfellow and his pro-life OB-GYN association. Also tragically, Nurse Maria described her effort to save a severely handicapped patient this week, who was NOT dying, and showed no signs of pain nor anxiety, and yet a doctor tried to send him to hospice, and also prescribed for him 20 mgs of morphine every hour, and a liquid anti-anxiety agent, Ativan, every two hours, the combination of which would have over-medicated him and possibly lead to... worse. As a family nurse practitioner, she gave an order which overrode the doctor's instructions to discontinue those meds and to keep him out of hospice.

* The Last Shall Be First: It's now too late to register, but consider showing up at the Inverness Hotel and register there for the CRTL banquet! As Jesus said:
"A certain man gave a great supper and invited many, and sent his servant... to say to those who were invited, 'Come, for all things are now ready.' But they all with one accord began to make excuses. ... So that servant came and reported these things to his master. Then the master of the house, being angry, said to his servant, 'Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in here the poor... and the blind.' And the servant said, 'Master, it is done as you commanded, and still there is room.' Then the master said to the servant, 'Go out into the highways and byways, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.'" Luke 14:16-23

Today's Resource: Second Telethon SPECIAL: In addition to our Plot Audio Set Telethon Special, now we introduce our Telethon Download Special! Our KGOV Store now features forty different downloadable resources, from Bob's Plot manuscript, to his First Five Days novel, to many of our popular Bible Study Albums! Order any of these downloadable resources and have the purchase price applied toward our KGOV Telethon goal to help BEL stay on the Internet for another year! And remember, BEL offers a 30-day money back guarantee on our resources! What a great way to help ensure that BEL keeps pressing on for another year!


New member
From an article in the paper:

"Mr. Rohrbough is welcome to put whatever he wants on his designated plaque space, who cares?" wrote Willie. "The real issue here is the hypocritical holier-than-thou attitude that he and his ilk project. For example, the article states he and his ex-wife wrote the inscription. That means he is DIVORCED, right? Isn't that a major, unforgivable SIN? You see, he has no place lecturing everybody else on what is right or wrong, regardless of what happened at Columbine."

:doh: This sounds like the kind of garbage we battle on TOL constantly. Why do people who have no clue about the Bible think they can score points by bashing Christians based upon their misunderstandings of the Bible? I've never understood it.


New member
Hall of Fame
From an article in the paper:

:doh: This sounds like the kind of garbage we battle on TOL constantly. Why do people who have no clue about the Bible think they can score points by bashing Christians based upon their misunderstandings of the Bible? I've never understood it.
Whoever wrote that is ignorant. :down:
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