CO Supreme Court OKs Personhood Initiative


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CO Supreme Court OKs Personhood Initiative

This is the show from Tuesday, March 6th 2012.


CO Supreme Court OKs Personhood Initiative

* The Colorado Personhood Coalition to Start 2012 Petition Drive
: "We're on everyone! Saddle up!" said Susan Sutherland, initiative coordinator on the news that the state Supreme Court today rejected Planned Parenthood's challenge to the latest personhood effort to seek statewide ballot access. We thank God for this blessing! And we appreciate the great work done by Kristi Burton (the 2008 personhood sponsor) and John Case and his legal team at Benson and Case for defending the personhood initiative before the court! Great job guys!

* Please Call or Email Bob and Cheryl Enyart to Join their Signature Team: From Bob and Cheryl:

Dear Colorado Friend,

We've been asked to head up one of the many teams across Colorado to get the 130,000 or so signatures required for ballot access. Each team has a goal of getting 2,000 signatures. We're going to have fun working this together and encouraging one another! So, if you can consider joining our team, please call the office at 303-463-7789 or email us at, and we'll get right back to you! For the Lord and the innocent!"

In Christ,

Bob & Cheryl Enyart.

* Waitress Buys Breakfast for BEL Staffers! At a local breakfast spot, after serving a wonderful meal, the waitress, Suzie, paid the bill for the BEL staffers who were meeting prior to starting work today. Suzie is thankful for the personhood work that we do to protect the unborn child. Wow, how many times have you heard of a waitress paying the bill for her customers! Thank you Suzie, and thank you Lord! Now, to those signatures!!

* And Speaking of Rights: Yesterday Colorado's state supreme court ruled that the University of Coloradio (in Boulder, etc.) cannot ban law-abiding citizens with permits from carry concealed weapons on its campuses. And similarly in Maryland, a federal judge struck down an invalid state law that required applicants to show a "substantial reason" why they need to carry a weapon, when Judge Benson Legg wrote, "The right's existence is all the reason he needs." Meanwhile, all along the Bible shows that wicked governments confiscate guns (as the National Socialists did to the Jews) and righteous kings do not stop the people from defending themselves with weapons.

The BEL Telethon is at $21,350 of $30,000

Thank you so much! But we still need help! Please consider one or more of our monthly subscriptions that will not only help support BEL, they will also help to better understand the Bible and equip you to be a better witness to those around you.*

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* The Debate Continues: Bob's debate with AronRa on the British web site League of Reason continues with Round 3.

Today's Resource: Apparent contradictions plague many Bible students. The Plot demonstrates how hundreds of such contradictions disappear when the reader applies the big picture of the Bible to its details. Tunnel vision focuses so narrowly on a problem that the solution often lies just out of view. As the pastor of Denver Bible Church, Bob Enyart teaches Christians how to use the whole counsel of God to understand the plot of the Bible and solve biblical riddles.