CNN begs Kyle Rittenhouse to bankrupt them

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
CNN hasn't learned a thing from having to pay out money for slandering people. They are now begging Kyle Rittenhouse to come after them for slander and defamation of character.

The timing of the article is somewhat awkward given that a black career criminal just ploughed through a Christmas parade in Wisconsin, killing at least five and injuring dozens


Gary K

New member
The timing of the article is somewhat awkward given that a black career criminal just ploughed through a Christmas parade in Wisconsin, killing at least five and injuring dozens

That is the humorous part of the article. :ROFLMAO:

Right Divider

Body part
CNN hasn't learned a thing from having to pay out money for slandering people. They are now begging Kyle Rittenhouse to come after them for slander and defamation of character.

The racism against "white people" is at an amazing level.
Imaging that title with any other race but "white". The outrage would be deafening.

P.S. And that doesn't even include the sexism.
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The racism against "white people" it at an amazing level.
Imaging that title with any other race but "white". The outrage would be deafening.

P.S. And that doesn't even include the sexism.

The racism is part of promoting Marxism. I have mentioned that several times, and Mark Levin explains it very well. By spreading racism, they eventually get around to saying that capitalism is a white institution and therefore is racist and it must go.

I can show you tons of photos of protests by BLM and climate change people and womens rights people and there is always a sub-theme at every protest: Capitalism is bad.


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User Name

Greatest poster ever
Nicholas Sandmann, who was demonized in 2019 following a viral video that was largely taken out context, encouraged Rittenhouse to sue the media outlets with defamation who essentially convicted him, some of whom deemed him guilty before the trial even got underway.

"Kyle was almost immediately labeled a 'White supremacist' and a 'domestic terrorist,’" Sandmann recently wrote in The Daily Mail.

"To many, my red MAGA hat clearly meant that I was a racist," Sandmann continued. "Kyle wasn't given his day in court by his critics. And neither was I. The attacks on Kyle came from the national news media, just as they came for me. They came quickly, without hesitation, because Kyle was an easy target that they could paint in the way they wanted to."

CNN ended up settling a multimillion-dollar defamation lawsuit with Sandmann in January 2020.
