Christ saves us from suicidal in-fight, not from Love-God.


Recently here in Islampur a mother died of injuries while intervening among suicidal infighting brothers. So many good people are injured sometimes fatally to save infighting families, clans and nations. So, our father of the nation Gandhi died to stop infighting Indians.

The root of this in-fight was in the pride-infected paradise, where our soul was created. We, the paradise-fallen Love God rejecter humanity, automatically become enemy to each other as internal love bond is weakened. Love holds everything together inside and outside us. We have fallen from a pride-degenerated infighting paradise (Rev12,7-12 and mythologies) worshipping pride-devils as Adam and Eve did. Angry Devils are always infighting for power among themselves as worldly kings do. They seek blood. All the nations including jews appeased their devil-gods by bloody sacrifice rituals. So they incessantly shed blood in war fields by their commands. So Heavenly Father sent Christ to turn them away from blood-hungry devils and love each other. But we killed him.

The descendants of selfish loner Abraham, jewish nation is like that selfish loner. Abraham never thought of preaching, loving and serving others as he separated. He worshipped one war-god as all other nations too worshipped their respective war gods. One war-god or many make little difference. Jews, considering themselves as the elect people and hating others as condemned, enraged all neighbors by their haughty behavior and mass murders. For that they were often attacked, mass imprisoned and sold to slavery. Love rejection caused in-fight among them as love only hold together abidingly. So infight-weakened they were often subjugated by stronger nations.
Before the birth of Christ they often enraged the occupying Greeks and Romans causing almost annihilation by them.

Christ came and told them to love neighbors and enemies. He and his precursor john the Baptist never accused occupying Romans but them, as they knew that as good for unruly them. He stressed not on physical, but spiritual liberation from which all other liberations follow. But jews not only refused to listen to him but killed him by befooled Romans. Later disobeying Christ they rebelled and was uprooted and deported by the Romans and their sanctuary demolished.

But a few of the jews believed in him and spread his message. Separating from rebel jews they were saved. Though they removed gross jewish prejudices but subtle ones still clung to them to infect Christ’s message. They equated their bloody jew-god, which is similar to gods of other nations, with Christ presented spiritual Love-God Heavenly Father. To support this anomaly they put forward a theory that like gods of nations Heavenly Father‘s bloody anger can be appeased by a substitution too. So Christ is the substitution. This equation is blasphemy and deadly.

Creator Heavenly Father is absolute love. He creates in material and spiritual spheres by uniting material and spiritual particles. Thus He constantly creates souls and paradises of soul-societies in the spiritual cosmos. The unity of paradises is heaven. In soul population Paradises are bigger than earth as sun-star is. But in time these souls and paradises get infected by pride. If these don’t repel the infection by repentance-rectification the pride destroys the love-bond inside to disintegrate them. Then the disintegrated souls and paradises returns to the outer darkness of spiritual particle state, from which they were made.

Love-God is never angry but incessantly corrects His creation by repentance-rectification. Anger, hate and punishment all negative things never rectify. Only love rectifies. Heavenly Father does that through Christ. But pride in free-willed us can stop that rectification.

All forgiving Heavenly Father seeks no substitution. He had already forgiven even the devil, His creation (Job1-3). He never condemns any by ‘given freewill’ ruse. Even worldly parents don’t that. But pride-devil rejects His forgiveness as he has no repentance, essential to receive forgiveness. So he remains suicidal by destroying integrating love by anti-love sins. So he is ultimately self-disintegrated by destroying inner love-bond. We also follow him.

Christ’s role in the cross is to arouse our repentance for our rejection of Love-God and him, prophets and saints from the manger to the cross, in the backdrop of his all-forgiving love. Only by that repentance we began to obey by practicing love, which in turn integrate-save us.

This God-denigrating pernicious substitution theory negates saving repentance as it is assumed that by ritually or mentally reenacting last supper sacrifice Heavenly Father can be appeased. Only by love practice love-integration can be achieved. Those who practice ritual sacrifice can get a false complacency-euphoria as I had, but fell almost to spiritual death latter.

Jewish apostles especially Pharisee Paul introduced many wrong jewish theories in Christianity to accommodate blood-seeking warlord jew-god and their subtle religious beliefs. He had the audacity to tell that Christ will come to send infidels to hell. It means that he will become devil’s agent to send people to hell, the place made by devil. Creed tells that Father made heaven and earth not hell.

False end-times bodily resurrection and judgment theory is a lie like those. Neither body will be resurrected nor do end times (when stars will fall as figs on earth) and judgment happen in billion years. When we sin by anti-love actions, automatic proportionate disintegration follows.( Sin can also give instant energy like alcohol to compensate for that disintegration-weakness, to fool us). But this substitution theory is worst of them. But we must rectify it as we are rectifying forefathers’ mistakes. Our St. Thomas created Indian churches never accept this wrong theory.

But the churches have greedily accepted jew war-god, as love-God is inimical to heaven-fallen humanity. Catholics, accepting the jew-god and his old testament of war, collaborated in Roman wars and became a rich State religion. To support their war they compiled bible to marginalize pacifist gospel by O.T., Revelation and Pharisee Paul’s subtle Jewish theories. So ‘Christian’ Europeans conquered the world by mass murdering aborigines by jewish genocide tactics. They were better successful at it by their Christ-given love-integrity and science. They put their holy things at the service of Devil in fact. So, atomic holocaust waits them as Christ said “sword wielder will be destroyed by the sword”.

For turning Muslims, Hindus and renegade Christians to Christ and Father, celibate I am working for 50 years in poverty in Islampur, India. I never hate Muslims, Jews, Europeans, humanity or even devil. Like Christ and Heavenly Father I also pity them for their suicidal dash. Whom they can destroy are already unrepentant soul-dead. No one can kill a soul-alive repentant one, as the thief on the cross, even by destroying the body. But it is shocking to see that they are killing in the name of Christ.

Alas! They won’t hear now, but a few might, when the atomic war-cross claims them. Then sharing the same cross in body or soul, we can turn a few to repentance like the thief on the cross, as the Holy Spirit will be with us then. That will be our greatest profit for heaven. To be worthy of that we must clear ourselves from all the jewish and other unscientific and unreasonable dross. We should align ourselves thus to true Love-heaven and Christ of repentance.


New member
You have to be the most unlearned stuff known to the devil. ---- There is NO Such DEATH as ((( "SUICIDE" ))) with GOD!!!! ----One either “OFFERS” himself to God, or one dies to Hell for Satan!! ---- It’s natural something like yourself would use such false terms!!

Paul – 042313


You have to be the most unlearned stuff known to the devil. ---- There is NO Such DEATH as ((( "SUICIDE" ))) with GOD!!!! ----One either “OFFERS” himself to God, or one dies to Hell for Satan!! ---- It’s natural something like yourself would use such false terms!!

Paul – 042313

Suicide is killing self, a most heinous sin. Our India's hindu gods all commited suicide in the end.

The problem with devil that he is the suicide leader as Hitler was. Father wants to save him, His rebel child, But he resists His love.
All these cant be found in the ancient catholic book bible. These r to be realized.