Both Kamala Harris and Hillary Get Caught Lying

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
"Yesterday we told you how PolitiFact ruled “false” and the Washington Post gave 4 Pinocchios to a claim made by Sen. Kamala Harris that SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh had referred to birth control as “abortion inducing drugs.”

You’d think that would end it, right? NAH!

Here’s Hillary Clinton WITH THE SAME LIE:

I want to be sure we're all clear about something that Brett Kavanaugh said in his confirmation hearings last week. He referred to birth-control pills as "abortion-inducing drugs." That set off a lot of alarm bells for me, and it should for you, too.​

But Hillary added her own, still wrong spin to it:

Kavanaugh didn't use that term because he misunderstands the basic science of birth control—the fact that birth control prevents fertilization of eggs in the first place. He used that term because it's a dog whistle to the extreme right.​

What is it with these people?

Are they so dumb that they think that everyone else is stupid that they can really get away from saying things which are obviously false?

Or perhaps they know that the mainstream press will cover for them?

I do know that they know that there are many Dems who will vote for them because they lie. After all, that is the hallmark of the party of lawlessness!


But Jerry what is your position on the pile of Pinocchios Trump has?

We can all agree that lying is not a good thing but your favorite President seems unable to last a day without a whopper.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
But Jerry what is your position on the pile of Pinocchios Trump has?

We can all agree that lying is not a good thing but your favorite President seems unable to last a day without a whopper.

If you want to start a thread about Trump lying no one is stopping you.

But nothing he has ever said excuses all the lies we have seen from the Democrats over the Supreme Court nomination of Kavanaugh.




If you want to start a thread about Trump lying no one is stopping you.

But nothing he has ever said excuses all the lies we have seen from the Democrats over the Supreme Court nomination of Kavanaugh.

Given that the Trump Administration, in its infinite wisdom, waited until just before the scheduled Kavanaugh Senate Hearings before releasing 40000 "classified" documents - just what are the Republicans attempting to cover up!

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Given that the Trump Administration, in its infinite wisdom, waited until just before the scheduled Kavanaugh Senate Hearings before releasing 40000 "classified" documents - just what are the Republicans attempting to cover up!

If you want to start a thread on that no one is stopping you.

But are you willing to defend Harris and Clinton and their lies?


If you want to start a thread on that no one is stopping you.

But are you willing to defend Harris and Clinton and their lies?
By withholding important documents concerning Kavanaugh's judicial record to the last possible minute, the "UNINDICTED CO-CONSPIRATOR" in the White House is acting as if he has something to hide!

As for Harris and Clinton, they are guilty of expressing their opinions based on the limited information that the Trump Administration has made available - apparently "Jerry Shugart's" definition of a "LIAR" is anyone who questions his "monopoly" on the TRUTH!

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
As for Harris and Clinton, they are guilty of expressing their opinions based on the limited information that the Trump Administration has made available - apparently "Jerry Shugart's" definition of a "LIAR" is anyone who questions his "monopoly" on the TRUTH!

No, they said things which they knew were not true!

Kavanaugh was quoting what other people said and both of them knew that because he prefaced his statement by saying "they said..."

Both Harris and Clinton attributed their words (they said) to Kavanaugh!

And here you are doing your best to defend those who said things which they knew were not true!

And I'm sure that you are as proud as punch of yourself!