Bob vs. Neil deGrasse Tyson


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Bob vs. Neil deGrasse Tyson

This is the show from Tuesday March 11th, 2014


No match. Creationists 1. Atheists 0. 1 gazillion that is.

Bible thumper out-predicts astrophysicist (and while he's at it, every single Big Bang astronomer too :)

And as if to put an exclamation mark onto the program, the Carnegie Institution for Science has helped out with this, Elder Galaxies, What Made You Age So Quickly?, published in London on March 12, just a few hours after our program concluded in Denver, Colorado:

A group of astronomers has discovered 15 massive, mature galaxies located where they shouldn't be: at an average distance of 12 billion light years away from Earth.

At that age — a mere 1.6 billion years after the Big Bang – galaxies should be youthful entities, still gathering dust and gasses into stars. These 15, on the other hand, as observed today, are grown-ups filled with old stars and exhibiting a lack of active star formation.

"Their existence at such an early time raises new questions about what forced them to grow up so quickly," the Carnegie Institution for Science notes in a press release; two of the research team, Eric Persson and Andy Monson, are affiliated with the Carnegie Observatories.

Ha! :)