Blame America First


[American flag ban on California college campus draws lawmakers' rebuke by Judy Lin Associated Press] "When a California college student council banned the display of the American flag from a common area in the student government offices, the action was quickly denounced by the student body president and a higher student panel overturned it two days later.

But fearing that anti-American sentiment could reappear at University of California, Irvine or elsewhere, GOP lawmakers and veterans on Monday proposed a constitutional amendment that would block California’s publicly funded colleges and universities from banning the American flag.

“As an immigrant who came to the United States in search of freedom and democracy, I could not stand before you today as a state senator if it weren’t for the ideals of that American flag and what it represents,” said Sen. Janet Nguyen, R-Garden Grove, who called for protecting the nation’s flag..." Full text: American flag ban on California college campus draws lawmakers' rebuke Ge 11:3-4


New member
So basically there's no story here.

Amazing how much time is wasted on both sides talking about pieces of cloth and where to hang them when there are real issues that could use that time.