Beware of Boy Scout Board Member Jim Turley


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Beware of Boy Scout Board Member Jim Turley

This is the show from Thursday, June 14th 2012.


* Homosexual Boy Scout Leaders: James Turley, board member of the Boys Scouts wants the Boy Scouts to be open to homosexual scout leaders and members.

* In a Related Story: Jerry Sandusky's trial for 52 child-sex abuse charges is ongoing in PA. Last November, Bob explained how the Penn State child molestation scandal and the molestation of children by priests in the Catholic Church had a common thread... homosexuals in positions of authority having access to children. Listen to "Not Just Another Thanksgiving Show".

Today's Resource: Meet the Apostle Peter in this important Bible study. Have you considered why Peter addresses his letters to no well-known recipients? Rather, similarly to James, John, and Jude, he sends them generically to the circumcision believers scattered abroad. Why? Meanwhile, Peter mentions the Apostle Paul, who addresses his epistles to many well-known leaders and specific regional churches. Teacher Bob Enyart demonstrates that understanding the big picture of the Bible, its plot, helps to see even such small books as First Peter and Second Peter in their proper perspectives. Such biblical observations go a long way toward explaining the differences between Peter and Paul. For as Peter himself wrote of, "our beloved brother Paul" who "has written to you as also in all his epistles… in which are some things hard to understand…"

This fascinating Bible study is available in a 6-DVD set, on MP3-CD or MP3 download. You can click to order online or call us at 1-800-8Enyart (836-9278).

Frayed Knot

New member
If the BSA doesn't open up to gays (and atheists), they're going to wither away. People are dropping out now, and it's accelerating. However, with the Mormon stranglehold on the BSA, I'm not expecting their policy to change soon.

It's too bad - I otherwise like the BSA.


New member
Hall of Fame
If the BSA doesn't open up to gays (and atheists), they're going to wither away. People are dropping out now, and it's accelerating. However, with the Mormon stranglehold on the BSA, I'm not expecting their policy to change soon.

It's too bad - I otherwise like the BSA.


Look, Group A (exclusive to "A's") won't wither away so long as there are A's that want to join it. Accepting B's and C's and every other letter of the alphabet isn't going to help Group A stay Group A. It will become Group ABCDEF, etc, instead. Group A still dies, it's just replaced by something with a much longer name.

So if the problem is whether or not A's want to join Group A, that isn't addressed in any way whatsoever by allowing B's, C's, D's, etc. By doing so you destroy Group A out of hand.

Frayed Knot

New member
Look, Group A (exclusive to "A's") won't wither away so long as there are A's that want to join it. Accepting B's and C's and every other letter of the alphabet isn't going to help Group A stay Group A.

But here in your analysis, "Group A" is "the set of people who are bigots or are comfortable supporting bigotry." The number of bigots may not be getting that much smaller, but the people who are willing to stand by and tolerate bigotry in an organization they belong to, is dropping precipitously.

In the coming years, if the BSA doesn't change, its ranks will be ghettoized to include only the core group of bigots, and that number is way smaller than the BSA's rolls right now.


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
Bob makes a excellent point. Not allowing homosexuals into the group eliminates the possibility on sexual attraction on camp outs. Boy scouts don't have women on camp outs and girls scouts don't have women on camp outs with good reason. Allowing homosexuals would create the same problem as allowing the opposite sex on camp outs. Not to mention gross immorality of homosexuality.

Boys scouts are actually a private organization. They have a right to exclude whomever they wish. They have the right of association. To force them to accept homosexuals is un-American.

Boy scouts needs to eject Stevenson and Turely for their own good. When perverts are allowed in, is when the organization starts to die. Quite a few parents will be removing their sons.

With good reason I don't attend a Southern Baptist Church.

Frayed Knot

New member
Boy scouts don't have women on camp outs...

Sure they do. I have one son who's a former Scout and a younger son who's a current Scout, and women definitely come to campouts. It's true that there are far fewer women than men, but in my experience that's a consequence of the very primitive restroom facilities, or not, that are available, and women are much pickier about that topic.

Anyway, women are allowed on Boy Scout campouts, so find a different argument.


New member
Hall of Fame
Bob makes a excellent point. Not allowing homosexuals into the group eliminates the possibility on sexual attraction on camp outs. Boy scouts don't have women on camp outs and girls scouts don't have women on camp outs with good reason. Allowing homosexuals would create the same problem as allowing the opposite sex on camp outs. Not to mention gross immorality of homosexuality.

Boys scouts are actually a private organization. They have a right to exclude whomever they wish. They have the right of association. To force them to accept homosexuals is un-American.

Boy scouts needs to eject Stevenson and Turely for their own good. When perverts are allowed in, is when the organization starts to die. Quite a few parents will be removing their sons.

With good reason I don't attend a Southern Baptist Church.

I thought the SBA was against homosexuality and clearly defined it as sinful.



* Homosexual Boy Scout Leaders: James Turley, board member of the Boys Scouts wants the Boy Scouts to be open to homosexual scout leaders and members.

* In a Related Story: Jerry Sandusky's trial for 52 child-sex abuse charges is ongoing in PA. Last November, Bob explained how the Penn State child molestation scandal and the molestation of children by priests in the Catholic Church had a common thread... homosexuals in positions of authority having access to children."

Excellent points Pastor Bob!

When homosexual's have acess to children, sexual and spiritual molestation are inevitable. Be it the case of the Catholic Church were liberal activists purposely allowed homosexuals into the clergy,, or where Penn State officials purposely hid homosexual pedophile Jerry Sandusky's "affection" for little boys,

The purveyors of sex and violence need to be quickly ousted from the ranks of the God-loving Boy Scouts of America.

Frayed Knot

New member
People who want to keep open homosexuals away from children are always bringing up examples of men who are not identified as homosexuals, molesting children. I'm not aware of any indications that a man who is sexually attracted to other men, has any greater likelihood of molesting children as your typical set of married men. I have heard, from people who are familiar with the psychology of child molestation, that those men are more likely to self-identify as heterosexual, and that children to them are feminine-looking.

Further, the BSA has a very good program of Youth Protection Training, and in my experience, it's very strictly adhered to by all the leaders. An adult is never allowed to be in a situation where he's alone with a Scout (who's not his own child), ever. The adults are eager to follow this policy because it's protection for them - no one can falsely accuse them of molesting a boy when he never has the opportunity.

So any talk that the BSA is banning homosexuals to protect children from molestation is just baloney.


New member
Just stand

Just stand

I can't see where there's even an issue here. Either your a Christian or not. If your a Christian then God's is the last word. If your a goat or a troll, then that's your problem not mine and get behind me Satan. It's obvious what some are doing here.... they want you to question God and His word... don't do it!

For instance, it's not gay, it's homosexual.... The first thing the adversary does is to sugar coat the truth. Change the name to make it a little more palatable. These people are predictors and all they need is a way in. Have you heard of the "North American Man Boy Love Assoc" NAMBLA" It was started by a Catholic priest to seduce and indoctrinate young boys into the homosexual fold. What the homosexuals are doing now to the BSA is what Obama is doing to the US constitution, circumvent, undermine and deceive. Don't fall for it.. hold your ground. The homosexual crowd has been exposed for what they are, a group of selfish, destructive bunch who's sole aim is to contaminate society with their perversion by making you question God and his the word. Remember God puts his word above his name! So read what He says about homosexuals in Rom 1:23-32. No beating round the bush here, He means what he says and says what He means!

The numbers of BSA mean nothing. A tight knit dedicated group is worth way more then any self centered spiritually putrid mob.

We have won the battle, it's up to you as Christians to stand your ground and claim the victory! :cool:



People who want to keep open homosexuals away from children are always bringing up examples of men who are not identified as homosexuals, molesting children. I'm not aware of any indications that a man who is sexually attracted to other men, has any greater likelihood of molesting children as your typical set of married men.

Being that you've not studied the homosexual lifestyle nor it's agenda, it goes without saying: "you're not aware".

While I could present dozens of links to show that man/boy "love" (as homosexual pedophiles call it) is a part of the homosexual lifestyle and it's modern day movement, I'll just present a link from the author of this article, Pastor Bob Enyart, that refutes your opinion.

"* More on Gay Tolerance of Pedophilia: (continued from above) Wayne Besen admitted that for years the homosexual community welcomed the militant pedophiles at the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) to march in their "gay pride" parades in New York and San Francisco. Enyart explained that homosexuals only severed this vile promotion of NAMBLA in the 1990s after Christian organizations exposed the parades via new media like right wing talk shows. (Perhaps Besen has heard of long-time homosexual activist David Thorstad, founding member of the Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights and former president of the New York Gay Activists Alliance who according to The Journal of Homosexuality protested the decision by the March on Washington organizers to exclude pedophiles like NAMBLA.) Bob explained to Besen that Christian outrage moved the Clinton administration to remove NAMBLA from the homosexual association which gave them consulting status at the United Nations, and while Besen continued insisting this was a fringe effort, Enyart added that the University of Massachusetts at Amherst voted to revise its non-discrimination policy to protect "persons whose sexual orientation includes minor children as the sex object." And Besen even referenced the American Psychological Association as a source of human goodness but of course they attempted to advance pedophilia in their journal, The Psychological Bulletin under the title "A Meta-Analytic Examination of Assumed Properties of Child Sexual Abuse." (BTW, Time Magazine, ever tolerant of perversion, in For the Love of Kids printed a puff piece on the editor of NAMBLA's journal, with the ACLU's defense, "if it's NAMBLA today, who is it tomorrow?" According to Time, this New York City teacher, Peter Melzer published an article In Praise of the Penises, on "how to make that special boy feel good." As to a police report on Melzer's alleged sex with a Filipino boy, Time assured us, there is no hard evidence that he abused this "or any other boy in the U.S.") Responding to Besen denial, Enyart quoted from page 144 of another Alyson publication, The Age Taboo: "Boy-lovers and the lesbians who have young lovers... are not child molesters. The child abusers are... [the] parents." (And BTW further, Besen has probably also heard of homosexual activist Andy Humm (NYC News, Gay USA, GCN) who brags of his influence over the New York City Council and wrote in the New York Native that, "No one should be denied basic civil rights because of his or her orientation, whether the person be homosexual, heterosexual, transsexual, transvestite, pedophile, sadist..." And Enyart explained to Besen what Out magazine unintentionally admitted in an article titled, The Men From the Boys, when they quoted, without judgment, the founder of a home for runaway youth who claimed that between 14 and 16 years of age, he "probably had sex with well over a thousand people, most of them much older than myself." This man's testimony is not unique, and if he was not lying, that means that this young boy, loose among homosexuals, was molested by hundreds of gay men who just happened to come upon him. Countless boys have been initiated into homosexuality through molestation. Besen denies all this."

Deny all you want Frayed Knot, but be forewarned:

If you continue to deny that homosexuality and man/boy "love" are intrinsic, then I'll have to take Arthur Brain's nickname away from him and give it to you:

"TOL's Queen of Denial".

Frayed Knot

New member
aCW, sounds to me like you're intentionally conflating homosexuality and pedophilia. They're different. You're lumping any man who molests a boy into the label "homosexual," when you should just refer to him as a pedophile.


aCW, sounds to me like you're intentionally conflating homosexuality and pedophilia. They're different. You're lumping any man who molests a boy into the label "homosexual," when you should just refer to him as a pedophile.

Negatory good buddy. Males who seek out little boys (pre pubescent) are homosexual pedophiles. Males who seek out little girls are heterosexual pedophiles.

Many homosexuals who molest little boys (or in the case of lesbians, little girls) do it to those that are post pubescent. That is not a act of pedophilia, but an act of homosexuality.

Of course it's not every homosexual's "thing" to have sex with little boys. But if you're out doing your own "thing", who are you to belittle someone else who is doing their own "thing"? (Isn't moral relativism great?)