Beginning of the end


As the nation mourned, President Donald Trump kept largely silent about the Florida school shooting victims and the escalating gun control debate, instead ...

Big strop on Twitter

Trump claims he ‘never said Russia did not meddle in the election’ despite repeatedly casting doubt on Russia probe. E.G :

Donald J. Trump
I never said Russia did not meddle in the election, I said “it may be Russia, or China or another country or group, or it may be a 400 pound genius sitting in bed and playing with his computer.” The Russian “hoax” was that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia - it never did!

Donald J. Trump
Finally, Liddle’ Adam Schiff, the leakin’ monster of no control, is now blaming the Obama Administration for Russian meddling in the 2016 Election. He is finally right about something. Obama was President, knew of the threat, and did nothing. Thank you Adam!

When reports first surfaced of Russian intervention in the American elections, Trump and his team said there was no Russian meddling. Trump World then shifted and said they didn’t communicate with Russians during the attack. When that was shown to be a lie, they changed their line again, saying there was no cooperation between Russia and the campaign.

Now that we know Russia did attack the elections, and took steps to help put Trump in power, and Team Trump was in communications with Russia during the attack, and top members of Trump’s inner circle welcomed Moscow’s intervention, the emphasis has shifted anew: the attack was ultimately inconsequential, the argument goes, because Russia’s intervention didn’t affect the outcome of the race.

In other words, the president and his team desperately want you to forget all those other, discredited talking points, and believe the foreign adversary’s intelligence operation simply didn’t matter in practical terms.


The top people in Trump's Administration are telling the world to ignore what he says in public:

MUNICH — Amid global anxiety about President Trump’s approach to global affairs, U.S. officials had a message to a gathering of Europe’s foreign policy elite this weekend: pay no attention to the man tweeting behind the curtain.

U.S. lawmakers — both Democrats and Republicans — and top national security officials in the Trump administration offered the same advice publicly and privately, clashing with Trump’s Twitter stream: the United States remains staunchly committed to its European allies, is furious with the Kremlin about election interference and isn’t contemplating a preemptive strike on North Korea to halt its nuclear program.


Trump lashed out: “If it was the GOAL of Russia to create discord, disruption and chaos within the U.S. then, with all of the Committee Hearings, Investigations and Party hatred, they have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. They are laughing their ***** off in Moscow. Get smart America!”

Actually, they succeeded and are laughing, because they helped elect an unhinged, erratic president who will not protect the United States against Russian meddling.

The discord comes from Trump smearing the FBI and making up lies (e.g., accusing President Barack Obama of wiretapping Trump Tower).


Trump says a school ‘is frankly no different’ than a military base
The president is openly calling for the militarization of public schools.


Trump went as far as to say that to him, a school “is frankly no different” than a military base, his implication being that it’s equally absurd to ban firearms from either.

Are NSA Masons? Is this why Trump is so frightend of them?


Trump spent most of Thursday’s event going on a number of rants. At various points, the president sounded off about the dangers of violent video games, called MS-13.

Trump wants to ban video games but supports selling a bucket load of killing machines to a nut job!

The Barbarian

Trump Falsely Claims, ‘I Never Said Russia Did Not Meddle’

Donald J. Trump


I never said Russia did not meddle in the election, I said “it may be Russia, or China or another country or group, or it may be a 400 pound genius sitting in bed and playing with his computer.” The Russian “hoax” was that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia - it never did!
6:33 AM - Feb 18, 2018


December 2016: “I don’t believe they interfered. That became a laughing point, not a talking point, a laughing point.”

In an interview with Time magazine that December, Mr. Trump, then the president-elect, rejected the notion of Russian interference, even as he entertained the possibility but then suggested other culprits:

“I don’t believe they interfered. That became a laughing point, not a talking point, a laughing point. Anytime I do something, they say, ‘Oh, Russia interfered.’ Why not get along with Russia? And they can help us fight ISIS, which is both costly in lives and costly in money. And they’re effective and smart. It could be Russia. And it could be China. And it could be some guy in his home in New Jersey. I believe that it could have been Russia and it could have been any one of many other people. Sources or even individuals.”

The reason he doesn't have a dog is, he would have to hire someone else to call it.



Trump says a school ‘is frankly no different’ than a military base
The president is openly calling for the militarization of public schools.

"Mar-Largo," where this Presidents spends many of his weekends, at taxpayers expense, is also a "gun free zone" - does anyone question that this decision came straight from the top of the organization?

"Mar-Largo" is not an isolated case, its just one of several Trump properties, hotels, golf clubs and resorts that have adopted a "gun free zone" policy!

"Do as I say, not as I do!"

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The "ONLY" thing that can be done about the school attacks is to have certain people on the school grounds with guns, otherwise, this kind of carnage will continue to happen all over our nation. Armed security is the only possible hope. No doubt there are kids right now planning school shootings in order to "outdo" the last massacre. The 'far-left' cannot/will not come up with any other ideas. The reason being is, there is NO other way.


The "ONLY" thing that can be done about the school attacks is to have certain people on the school grounds with guns, otherwise, this kind of carnage will continue to happen all over our nation. Armed security is the only possible hope. No doubt there are kids right now planning school shootings in order to "outdo" the last massacre. The 'far-left' cannot/will not come up with any other ideas. The reason being is, there is NO other way.

They did have an armed guard who did nothing. No HOPE.

"this kind of carnage will continue to happen all over our nation.". You are getting there; real slowly.


What are the new charges?

Thursday's 32-count indictment alleges that Mr Manafort and Mr Gates conspired to hide more than $30m (£22m) in Mr Manafort's personal income from tax officials.

It also claims that Mr Gates concealed more than $3m of his own income.

The money "flowed through" a $75m offshore account controlled by them, according to the indictment filed by a federal grand jury in Alexandria, Virginia.

It is also alleged the two defendants filed tax returns to the US authorities from 2010-14 that they knew to be factually incorrect.

Who else filed dodgy tax returns to evade tax? Can Gross Nick help us out with this conundrum?



The "ONLY" thing that can be done about the school attacks is to have certain people on the school grounds with guns, otherwise, this kind of carnage will continue to happen all over our nation. Armed security is the only possible hope. No doubt there are kids right now planning school shootings in order to "outdo" the last massacre. The 'far-left' cannot/will not come up with any other ideas. The reason being is, there is NO other way.

What happened in Parkland Florida is only part of the problem - almost 6 months have passed and other than condolences and prayers, Trump and the NRA have yet to produce concrete proposals for protecting the American public from another Las Vegas massacre?


New member
What happened in Parkland Florida is only part of the problem - almost 6 months have passed and other than condolences and prayers, Trump and the NRA have yet to produce concrete proposals for protecting the American public from another Las Vegas massacre?
These mass shootings are only happening because we have given up the concept of a well regulated Militia in every State comprised of private citizens armed with their personal weapons.
By giving away our responsibilities to maintain order in our neighborhood through our own power, we have thrown away our safety.
The proper response is not to mandate disarming the law abiding citizens.
The proper response is to make it a legal requirement that all able bodied citizens arm themselves and serve in their State militia several weeks a year.