Barack Hussein Obama Makes a Comment about "Crusades"; at the"Prayer Breakfast"2015:

Mark SeaSigh

Barack Hussein Obama Makes a Comment about "Crusades"; at the"Prayer Breakfast"2015:

Obama faces backlash over Crusades remark at prayer breakfast;
(Feb. 6th, 2015)



From the article; said:

President Obama, catching intensifying flak from the political right for failing to utter the phrase “radical Islam” — sorry, no substitutions allowed (other than “Islamic extremism”) — gave every appearance at the National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday of having heard his critics. And having decided to do, effectively, the opposite of what they’d demanded. If he did not exactly imply then he certainly granted his political adversaries the leeway to infer that he sees a moral equivalency between the murderous acts being committed under the banner of Islamic terrorist groups and centuries-ago Christian campaigns.

See: Terrorism poses no existential threat to the U.S., writes Stratfor security analyst

And: Obama calls ISIS a ‘vicious death cult’ at prayer breakfast

He not only avoided, again, the prescribed terminology in his comments on the recent wave of terrorist acts committed by the so-called Islamic State and by Boko Haram and others but, in an attempt at contextualizing those acts, included a passage that he had to assume would trigger a visceral reaction from foes:

“Humanity,” Obama said, “has been grappling with these questions throughout human history. And lest we get on our "high horse" and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ. In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ.”

Mark SeaSigh

Obama shows his Lack of Knowledge, nearly every time he Opens his Mouth to Speak...

: P


He must think he's the "Right Hand" of the "Roman Catholic Church", or something; Given Obama "Hailed the Pope" on the State of the Union address, by calling him "his holiness": now, Obama starts mentioning "Holy War"!!!

Does the RCC tell Obama what to Eat for Breakfast, as Well?


The RCC has no Power in the US, the Pope has never Come here, and he is setting up his "First Visit" to the US next Month.


Obama faces backlash over Crusades remark at prayer breakfast;
(Feb. 6th, 2015)


Those who assign ourselves only "good" qualities and blame the other side for "forcing" us to respond with revenge and violence are unable or unwilling to admit the truth is more nuanced than they believe.

Here's what Christian militias are up to these days:


New member
What truth is that? That Christians and Muslims fought wars 1,000 years ago?

No, that truly hideous acts have been committed for hundreds and hundreds of years, up until the present, falsely using Christianity as justification. We can recognize in retrospect how scripture was twisted for political expedience, and regard those who did so as at best misguided, and at worst heretics. His point was that those who twist scripture for evil ends are not true examples of Christianity, and those who twist the Quran for evil ends are not true examples of Islam; and, those who refuse to see the comparison exhibit arrogance.

The Berean

Well-known member
No, that truly hideous acts have been committed for hundreds and hundreds of years, up until the present, falsely using Christianity as justification. We can recognize in retrospect how scripture was twisted for political expedience, and regard those who did so as at best misguided, and at worst heretics. His point was that those who twist scripture for evil ends are not true examples of Christianity, and those who twist the Quran for evil ends are not true examples of Islam; and, those who refuse to see the comparison exhibit arrogance.
Well, anyone who studies history already knows this. The Crusades, there were at least 10 of them, were very complex historical events interweaving politics, religion, greed, adventure, and lots of killing. Each Crusade had it's own set of events that led to them and reasons for them were often quite different. To simply say the Crusades were about Christians vs Muslims is simplistic at the very least. The truth is by far more nuanced.

Mark SeaSigh

No, that truly hideous acts have been committed for hundreds and hundreds of years, up until the present, falsely using Christianity as justification. We can recognize in retrospect how scripture was twisted for political expedience, and regard those who did so as at best misguided, and at worst heretics. His point was that those who twist scripture for evil ends are not true examples of Christianity, and those who twist the Quran for evil ends are not true examples of Islam; and, those who refuse to see the comparison exhibit arrogance.


Cannot tell the difference between the RCC, and the rest of Modern Christianity.

I'm presuming it's because he is a Moron.

Or, it's because he's still teaching his Mosonic/Popery BS...?

Hey, -A-; Dirt Bag.
