Audience Debrief of Coulter Interview

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Audience Debrief of Coulter Interview

Thursday June 29th, 2006. This is show #129.

* Summarizing his interview with attorney Ann Coulter, Bob talks with callers Paul from Hartsell CO and Jim from Denver CO, about how conservatives habitually overlook Republican murder and other evil policies. Also, we described Dr. Larry Bates as an example of Christians who have become legal positivists, who defend judges who disobey God in order to obey man, as when they violate Do Not Murder in order to obey some wicked Supreme Court ruling.
* Richard Bates of Colorado is devastated and worried by the intentional starvation of four-year-old Dylan Walborn over 24 days with the support of Denver's Children's Hospital.
* Leslie of Denver asks Bob how best to witness to her mother who claims to be a Christian, yet is cohabitating with and preparing to marry an unbeliever.
Today's Resource: Watch Bob dismantle three law students in The Trouble With Lawyers (VHS/DVD).


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Dylan's story is downright tragic...could care less about the other topics, nothing else holds a candle to that.
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