Another evolutionary dilemma: sexual reproduction.


New member
1 and 2: Something comes from something

What kind of response is this?... Atheists also postulate things such as the multiverse theory. Pretty funny how they often enter into metaphysics, the exact thing they are criticizing us for!

3: If you call the state the universe is going towards is order..

What does this have to do with anything?

4: Atheists claim that rationality brings reason...

Nope, atheists claim that rationality came about through evolution which is not in any way rational. You don't have any justification for the usage of reason. By rational I am not saying that the concept of evolution is irrational but the processes which brought it about. The point is that reason simply didn't always exist in your world-view and had to gradually evolve. Read Frank Walton's debate with Axiom-Tech on this forum for more information. From irrationality came rationality.