Angels and The Angel of God:

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You all have the great scholars of the Word of God, and the great philosophers of every type, teachers, preachers and professors trained in all the great religious seminaries, and all the totally unlearned and blind know-nothings teaching everything they can’t give any Biblical support for their doctrines. They are all called the LOST by the Lord.

Angels are who they are, and THE “Angel of God” is who he is. – However, nobody knows anything about any of them.

Hebrews 1:14 KJV – “To which of the angels said he at any time, Sit on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool? ---14 ARE THEY NOT “ALL” MINISTERING SPIRITS, SENT FORTH “TO MINISTER” for them WHO “SHALL BE HEIRS” OF SALVATION? -----

Acts 27:23 KJV – Paul - “There stood by me this night “THE ANGEL OF GOD”, whose “I AM”, and whom “I SERVE”. -----

I Paul say, - “There stands by me here, THE ANGEL OF GOD, Whose Angel I AM, and The GOD WHOM I SERVE”. --- Is there any difference in what Paul and Paul said? --- What, or who are the Angels of God? ----- Hebrews 13:2 KJV – “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby SOME HAVE ENTERTAINED ANGELS UNAWARES”. --- Philosophy?

If you walk with Christ, who then walks with Christ, and not sitting at Christ’s right hand, and sitting at his table. Which of the Angels are sitting at the table of the Lord? – What is the table of the Lord, and who are SERVING UP THE BREAD AND WATER OF LIFE TO WHOM? -- Are the false teachers, preachers, philosophers, and scholars doing anything but serving up dung from the dung heap of Satan?
Who rejects the true bread and wine when served by the Angels of Christ? - None but the angels of the Devil, and there is prepared for them, the Lake of Fire for their crucifying the Lord.
Prove me wrong!

Paul – 100710
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