Adversary is Integrated into Religion by Nature Misunderstood



Satan / Adversary / Serpent / Dragon / Anti-Messiah / Light Bearer / Anointed Guardian Cherub is misrepresented in Christian theological interpretation in a way that has sealed away the true nature of understanding the Church's / Brides Enemy and Threat.

* Time frame of power at God's side is skewed
- is not cast out until after the SON is sacrificed and declared Propitiation for all sins.

* Involved in dispensation of Law
- Oh Death, where is thy sting.

* Is the character known as "The Angel of Death"
- Consumes Dust, Power of Death, Anointed Cherub that betrayed Elohim, Humanity and Angels for Power and misrepresentation Of perfection.

* Desires disunity, and employs division amongst humanity by propagating lies about God's loving nature.

* Harnesses religion above all as its tool of division and doubt in God's faithfulness to humanity.

* Is the accuser of the brethren and used the idea that we could be like God.... Implying judge like God and obtain Gods glory, in and of ourselves.

* Is still trying to appeal to our self righteous bend to separate us from the only true sustainer of our existence to distance us from God and one another by bringing division, judgment and hate amongst humanity, that it might use death to separate us from Elohim.

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Adversary is Integrated into Religion by Nature Misunderstood

Wait... I posted this to see if anyone wanted to look for the scriptures in many places that these statements are drawn from. There is so much being drawn from here that I wanted scripture posted in dispute or support. Come on brothers and sisters. Check my work.

Hint... Isaiah's I will exalt myself

Hint Galations on the law

Hint Jude shows Moses's body in a strange place.

Hint, in Revelation, war doesn't break out in heaven until after this occurs.


I propose that the serpent was given the responsibility of death if mankind disobeyed God. In other words, the consequence of being like God was to be under the law, and suffer death because mankind cannot know good and evil, without performing evil.

For starters, Consider these verses..... Think of the fact that Paul was never born in a time he wasn't under the law. Further more, he uses the words SIN DECEIVED ME.

Compare this with Adam and Eve.

Romans 7

Sin’s Use of the Law

9Once I was alive apart from the law, but when the commandment came, sin sprang to life
10and I died. The commandment that was meant for life resulted in death for me.
11For sin, seizing an opportunity through the commandment, deceived me, and through it killed me. 12So then, the law is holy, and the commandment is holy and just and good.


Reference this.

1 Corinthians 15:55-57

55 Death, where is your victory?
Death, where is your sting?[a]
56 Now the sting of death is sin,
and the power of sin is the law.

Do you see the implications here?

As in... From Dust we came and to dust we return.

Now think on the command that the serpent must consume dust for deceiving Adam and Eve.