“No sex was used to produce this child!”


New member
For some people, third party reproduction is just another conquest of technology, like cellphones or Ipads. For others, it is a grave moral crisis.......and probably the biggest danger of the victory of same sex marriage.

. . . “No sex! No sex was used to produce this child!” That was the proud proclamation made by one of the girl’s two “fathers” as she was hoisted up high and shown off to a group of us at the sexuality studies conference I was attending.

[. . .]

As Katie Davis has put it, “Adoption is a redemptive response to tragedy that happens in this broken world.” It is a tragedy for any child to be separated from his or her biological family, the father and mother that are the source of that child’s being. Overall, adopted children have more difficulties than children raised by their biological families, even in married mother-father scenarios such as mine. Adoption serves to provide what was lost or not possible where there has sadly been a disruption of the natural family order.

But in cases like that of the “father” described above, the loss of a mother is not viewed as a tragedy at all. Rather, this motherlessness is deliberately sought; it is viewed as a triumph of technology to be celebrated. Who can deny that the child is being viewed only from the perspective of the adults’ wishes? No one considers the rights of the child who is deliberately deprived of the love of a mother.........



Well, it's a primary chapter in your "Deterioration of American Christian Morals and Values" series.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
No, I am not saying that nor does the piece say that...

If I see one more self-righteous liberal mock us about "the evil gays" I'm inclined to just take their mockery and literally use it against them.

I'll start now. "Yes, moron [tracerbullet]" the Bible says homosexuality is an abomination, thus "evil." Are you happy now?


Hall of Fame
For some people, third party reproduction is just another conquest of technology, like cellphones or Ipads. For others, it is a grave moral crisis.......and probably the biggest danger of the victory of same sex marriage.

So in regards to the particular child mentioned in your article, would you prefer that she didn't exist?


New member
For some people, third party reproduction is just another conquest of technology, like cellphones or Ipads. For others, it is a grave moral crisis.......and probably the biggest danger of the victory of same sex marriage.

These very, very, evil acts are growing.
Google: Pregnant men. A male who has an active woman's organs and womb only. Then is artificially inseminated by his male friend-wife. This is beyond an abomination.



New member
If I see one more self-righteous liberal mock us about "the evil gays" I'm inclined to just take their mockery and literally use it against them.

I'll start now. "Yes, moron [tracerbullet]" the Bible says homosexuality is an abomination, thus "evil." Are you happy now?
Well said, CL :BRAVO:


Hall of Fame
I would prefer she had her mother and father.

There are children who live without one or both parents all the time ... either you are glad she is alive and breathing or your wish she had never been born. Which is it?


New member
There are children who live without one or both parents all the time ... either you are glad she is alive and breathing or your wish she had never been born. Which is it?
I don't wish she had never been born, no.


New member
And remember, the child is wholly innocent in this case, and in all others of third party reproduction. It is the actions of the adults which are called into question.


Hall of Fame
And remember, the child is wholly innocent in this case, and in all others of third party reproduction. It is the actions of the adults which are called into question.

Do you or do you not believe the child should not have been born/reproduced?


New member
Do you or do you not believe the child should not have been born/reproduced?
I think in general, third party reproduction is to be avoided, yes. This is why so many nations have strict regulations and prohibitions about it---the US, of course, is anything goes, so long as you can pay the big bucks. But this child is wholly innocent. She didn't ask for any of this , of course.