The "QAnon" Fraud!


Well-known member
Well, Trump hardly counts as such does he? Why is he so deluded as to believe he can possibly be inaugurated back into office in August?
I cannot answer for Trump any more than I can answer for Biden. I have more respect for Trump's honesty, integrity, and leadership than I have for Biden's, but I do not believe Trump is infallible.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Humans should put their trust in what God says, not what sinners say.
Well, a lot of far right wing Christians put a fair bit of stock in conspiracy stuff like 'Q' and else besides and you're one to talk with your constant barrage of posts regarding supposed, widespread democrat fraud...


Well-known member
Well, a lot of far right wing Christians put a fair bit of stock in conspiracy stuff like 'Q' and else besides and you're one to talk with your constant barrage of posts regarding supposed, widespread democrat fraud...
I know Hillary invented the Trump/Russian conspiracy theory for wicked reasons and that Fauci helped create the coronavirus and then pretended to be just the expert to save us from the virus, and that leftist rubes mock those who agree with the truth and facts. Yes, the domocrats have been committing voter fraud for many decades, and their fraud in 20920 was massive, in spite of the delusions and defensive denials of the left to the contrary.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I cannot answer for Trump any more than I can answer for Biden. I have more respect for Trump's honesty, integrity, and leadership than I have for Biden's, but I do not believe Trump is infallible.
Well, he's thrice married, caught on Access Hollywood tape for some nefarious stuff, lied to the American people regarding Covid and how serious it was going to be along with enjoying doing so. Hey, last April it was all just going to magically disappear, remember that? Oh, that pathetic phone call with Brad Raffensberger where he just needed to find another 11,000 votes and so forth.

Hmm, honesty? Integrity?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I know Hillary invented the Trump/Russian conspiracy theory for wicked reasons and that Fauci helped create the coronavirus and then pretended to be just the expert to save us from the virus, and that leftist rubes mock those who agree with the truth and facts. Yes, the domocrats have been committing voter fraud for many decades, and their fraud in 20920 was massive, in spite of the delusions and defensive denials of the left to the contrary.
Hmm, no, you don't. Or if you do, supply the evidence! If you've got it then share it. That would be a first...


Well-known member
Well, he's thrice married, caught on Access Hollywood tape for some nefarious stuff, lied to the American people regarding Covid and how serious it was going to be along with enjoying doing so. Hey, last April it was all just going to magically disappear, remember that? Oh, that pathetic phone call with Brad Raffensberger where he just needed to find another 11,000 votes and so forth.

Hmm, honesty? Integrity?
It does not matter how many times Trump was married, Bill Clinton had illegal sex with minors or staffers, or Biden rubbed up against pretty girls, the democrats still committed voter fraud in 2020 and tens of millions of Americans will always know that for a fact.


Well-known member
Hmm, no, you don't. Or if you do, supply the evidence! If you've got it then share it. That would be a first...
How is it you still claim you have never seen the evidence? How much reading outside the leftist propagandist box do you do? How few facts pertaining to these issues have you been exposed to? Are you aware that the FBI never took possession of the DNC computers because the DNC had hired CrowdStrike to examine them instead? Are you aware that CrowdStrike reported to Congress that they had no clue if the DNC emails had been exfiltrated from DNC headquarters or, if they had, how that had occurred? - The controversial American security firm CrowdStrike, which was called in to investigate the alleged Russian hack of DNC servers in 2016, had no proof that any emails from the system had been exfiltrated despite public assertions that this had occurred, according to the transcript of an interview released by the US Government a few days ago.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It does not matter how many times Trump was married, Bill Clinton had illegal sex with minors or staffers, or Biden rubbed up against pretty girls, the democrats still committed voter fraud in 2020 and tens of millions of Americans will always know that for a fact.
Ah, so you'll ignore any sort of chicanery in regards to Trump and will peddle unsubstantiated rubbish in regards to Biden and voter fraud as if it's fact when it isn't? Oh, and where's your support for Clinton having sex with minors? He wasn't perfect by any means.


Well-known member
Ah, so you'll ignore any sort of chicanery in regards to Trump and will peddle unsubstantiated rubbish in regards to Biden and voter fraud as if it's fact when it isn't? Oh, and where's your support for Clinton having sex with minors? He wasn't perfect by any means.
Everybody knows Bill had sex with interns and any number of other women, but fewer are actually aware of the many $30,000-a-weekend jaunts Bill took to Pedophile Isle using Clinton Foundation funds.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
How is it you still claim you have never seen the evidence? How much reading outside the leftist propagandist box do you do? How few facts pertaining to these issues have you been exposed to? Are you aware that the FBI never took possession of the DNC computers because the DNC had hired CrowdStrike to examine them instead? Are you aware that CrowdStrike reported to Congress that they had no clue if the DNC emails had been exfiltrated from DNC headquarters or, if they had, how that had occurred? - The controversial American security firm CrowdStrike, which was called in to investigate the alleged Russian hack of DNC servers in 2016, had no proof that any emails from the system had been exfiltrated despite public assertions that this had occurred, according to the transcript of an interview released by the US Government a few days ago.
Well, because my standards for evidence require substance for one and where claims can be substantiated, corroborated and the like. Otherwise, ironically, I'd be buying into the source of this thread...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Everybody knows Bill had sex with interns and any number of other women, but fewer are actually aware of the many $30,000-a-weekend jaunts Bill took to Pedophile Isle using Clinton Foundation funds.
He may have, where is the proof for his having sex with minors? There's plenty of stuff in regards to Trump and his boasting about pretty creepy stuff, including beauty pageants. I'm suspecting that won't matter to you so much?


Well-known member
Well, because my standards for evidence require substance for one and where claims can be substantiated, corroborated and the like. Otherwise, ironically, I'd be buying into the source of this thread...
Leftist morons deny the Congressional Record because some source the democrat party does not approve of reports the evidence.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Leftist morons deny the Congressional Record because some source the democrat party does not approve of reports the evidence.
Well, that wasn't a reply to me but one of your stock, usual, 'leftist' deflections. Any answer on point? With backup?


Well-known member
Well, that wasn't a reply to me but one of your stock, usual, 'leftist' deflections. Any answer on point? With backup?
I was hoping you would be inspired to comment on the revealed fact in the Congressional Record that investigators were never able to find evidence that the DNC servers had been hacked by anyone, much less someone working with Trump or Russia.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I was hoping you would be inspired to comment on the revealed fact in the Congressional Record that investigators were never able to find evidence that the DNC servers had been hacked by anyone, much less someone working with Trump or Russia.
Hmm, okay, not impressed. That inspired enough?


Well-known member
Mike Lindell, who went from being addicted to crack to being addicted to Trump, is perpetually just six weeks away from filing a lawsuit that will force the Supreme Court to vote 9-0 to overturn the results of the 2020 election:
Nobody is going to get the tainted SCOTUS to finally do its job and take up challenges to democrat voter fraud. They declined to get involved earlier, so they can hardly be expected to bother getting involved now.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Nobody is going to get the tainted SCOTUS to finally do its job and take up challenges to democrat voter fraud. They declined to get involved earlier, so they can hardly be expected to bother getting involved now.
National Review is also reporting today that Trump expects to be "reinstated" as president some time in August of this year. Trump's level of delusion is utterly staggering. He is clearly and obviously not sane.


Well-known member
National Review is also reporting today that Trump expects to be "reinstated" as president some time in August of this year. Trump's level of delusion is utterly staggering. He is clearly and obviously not sane.
Maybe Trump's brain is beginning to slip as Biden's did a few years back. If so, Trump will never be fit to be president again just like Biden is not fit to be president now.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Former President Donald Trump reportedly believes that he will somehow return to office in the coming months, a belief that fits with claims from supporters of the QAnon conspiracy theory and far-right message boards. And it appears to have come through his QAnon-connected orbit of advisers who have egged on his voter fraud grievances and who continue to suggest Trump can and should be reinstalled into office based on those false claims.
