Text Reference Assistance Request


New member
I am currently reading Summa Theologica at Christian Classics Ethereal Library. Question 5 Article 4 of the Third Part contains a reference to Augustine:

'But man is made to God's image, as regards his mind, as Augustine says (De Trin. xiv, 3,6)'

None of the versions of Augustine's Trinity which I open seem to have a structure which supports this reference. Any help in finding my way to the relevant text would be much appreciated.

Other versions of ST have the reference in the same format.



New member
Keep in mind that Thomas Aquinas is discussing a hypothetical situation in which someone erroneously objecting to the idea that Christ assumed a human mind during his presence on Earth had invoked this reference to Augustine's On the Trinity if that helps.

I would say the statement which Thomas Aquinas uses as a hypothetical premise for such an error is a very broad (for the sake of being more concise) summary of statements such as "when the mind, then, beholds itself in conception, it understands and cognizes itself; it begets, therefore, this its own understanding and cognition. For an incorporeal thing is understood when it is beheld, and is cognized when understood. Yet certainly the mind does not so beget this knowledge of itself, when it beholds itself as understood by conception, as though it had before been unknown to itself; but it was known to itself, in the way in which things are known which are contained in the memory, but of which one is not thinking; since we say that a man knows letters even when he is thinking of something else, and not of letters" and "Let us assume a trinity like this, when the faith which is now in ourselves is so established in our memory as the bodily object we spoke of was in place, from which faith is formed the conception in recollection, as from that bodily object was formed the vision of the beholder; and to these two, to complete the trinity, will is to be reckoned as a third, which connects and combines the faith established in the memory, and a sort of effigy of that faith impressed upon the vision of recollection; just as in that trinity of corporeal vision, the form of the bodily object that is seen, and the corresponding form wrought in the vision of the beholder, are combined by the purpose of the will."

Source: http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/130114.htm