Neither science nor religion has got the job done


New member
Religion didn't succeed, evidence is all the arguments in its favor. Science hasn't used it's progress for the betterment of human kind, they suppress and deny and still justify there voice and jobs. Both fail at progression of humanity. And that is where the argument should be. Why are the two most influential institutions of power not done a better job at making use more well off in all areas. The only explanation I can gather is that it is like the definition of politics. Kick around problems as long as possible without solving them. This is a successful technique but it isn't right. The conversation is wrong and pretentious. Why haven't each done more, why don't they do more. And why is the public's dialogue on anything but answering these questions. If gods real then great, why isn't his church doing more. If science is all knowing, why isn't it doing all it can. Two fools arguments make no more difference than silence. So I ask why prove either one, we all suffer regardless. Why is that?


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Religion didn't succeed, evidence is all the arguments in its favor. Science hasn't used it's progress for the betterment of human kind, they suppress and deny and still justify there voice and jobs. Both fail at progression of humanity. And that is where the argument should be. Why are the two most influential institutions of power not done a better job at making use more well off in all areas. The only explanation I can gather is that it is like the definition of politics. Kick around problems as long as possible without solving them. This is a successful technique but it isn't right. The conversation is wrong and pretentious. Why haven't each done more, why don't they do more. And why is the public's dialogue on anything but answering these questions. If gods real then great, why isn't his church doing more. If science is all knowing, why isn't it doing all it can. Two fools arguments make no more difference than silence. So I ask why prove either one, we all suffer regardless. Why is that?
After reading your complaints with no solutions offered, I found this statement of yours amusing.

Kick around problems as long as possible without solving them. This is a successful technique but it isn't right.
That just hit my funny bone tonight.


New member
You act like they are singular entities with plans and intentions. In reality they are very loose confederations of different groups with different views. Furthermore you are probably asking something of them for which they were not intended. Science for example is a tool for inquiry and knowledge. Like any tool it is only as good as it's user and in the case of society and government at many times we wilfully choose NOT to use it. It never was intended as means of forcing people to act on what it found. Neither would it be/has it been very effective at such a use either.

I really hope one day we'll talk of "evidence based governance" like we do other professions which have reformed themselves in such a way.

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New member
I would like to believe that science started out on the right track just to be hijacked by those who just take full advantage of everything IE. money mongers and war mongers. There is no way to put very much credibility in science today, especially in a democracy where the majority (mob) rules, and the majority can be bought which has been happening in USA for quite some time. There are PHD's that have sold out to the highest bidder just to flaunt their title next to some study. Monsanto is the case in point Whatever study disagrees with their unethical practices they buy it.

Now the "Christian" dilemma. There are obvious characteristics that define what a Christian is. Jesus said you shall know them by their fruit. Just because someone calls themselves Christian does not make it so. When we look at the first church that Jesus started through His disciples we find a dedication that has been extinct for centuries. ALL the disciples except one were martyred, are we seeing that today? If we trace the early church through all the catholic apostasies up to the reformation, which was very close to the apostolic church of Jesus day we find again persecution and martyrdom. HMMMM! That speaks volumes to true faith in Christ. The only time true faith in Jesus grew has always been during times of severe persecution and martyrdom. During times of prosperity people are in need of nothing, so even though church growth happens does not necessarily mean that faith is growing too. There are far too many professors who are not Christian that make it seem that Christianity has failed, but in the true sense of the word Christianity will always be victorious. I do not mean Catholicism, which has falsely been considered Christian for far too long.


New member
Neither science nor religion has got the job done

Both fail at progression of humanity. And that is where the argument should be. Why are the two most influential institutions of power not done a better job at making use more well off in all areas.

Science does not have the job of making us more well off in all areas.
The job of science is to answer three basic questions and mostly succeeds at answering the first two (but fails at answering the third).
Science Asks Three Basic Questions

What’s there?
How does it work?
How did it come to be this way?
There are many religions in the world and the only one I can recall that claims to be working on the progression of humanity is the false religion of Scientology.

Maybe you should take a religious study course in college and ask the professor what the job of religion (singular) is.